Good morning! It as been a full week around my house & my mind hasn’t had the energy to complete a blog post. I’ve started quite a few but have fallen asleep before they were publish-ready. But in this morning’s quiet time, I came across three verses in my journal that were such great instructions, I had to hop on here & quickly share them.
When we come upon those days or seasons of disabling overwhelmededness (is that a real word?) these are God’s instructions for our “next step” – what we are to do when we don’t know what to do:
When we don’t know what to do, whatever it is that we do, do it this way:
*Do EVERYTHING in the name of the Lord Jesus, (Col 3:17)
*Rolling my works upon Him, (Prov 16:3)
*Because He is completely dependable. (1 Thes 5:24)
In other words, whatever it is that must be done in daily living, do it in the Name of & by the power of, and for the glory of Jesus Christ, no matter how mundane it is. At home, at work, at service, at play, even at rest, say to the Lord, “Jesus, I am ____ in Your name. Please be glorified as I ____.” As you are doing that, ROLL everything else that must be done for the day, week, month, or year upon Jesus Christ (because sometimes things {that are just too heavy to pick up} must be shoved). All the while you are rolling, remind yourself over and over that God is Completely Dependable.
He WILL lead & strengthen & help & hold us as we follow this simple plan laid out for us in His Word. Praise His Holy Name!
Many blessings upon each of you today and in the days to come, my friends!
In & through the beautiful & peace-bringing name of our Lord Jesus Christ,
Jennifer, lifting you in prayer during this busy season. Thank you for taking time to hop on here to offer us encouragement. I love this message. Be blessed my Friend. With love and hugs….
thank you for this encouragement! I wrote it down so I can refer back to these scriptures together again! Love you! Laura