I’m having gallbladder surgery this morning. Yay!!!
It truly is an answer to prayer! Since July I have not felt well, and some of that time I’ve been really sick and in a great deal of pain. Many of you have prayed for me, and for that I am so grateful. After every “possibility” for the pain was tested and reported as normal, I was beginning to get discouraged. Of course, I’m so very thankful for “normal” – but when something isn’t right and the tests say all is well… frankly, it’s exhausting. We finally received an answer/diagnosis on Monday and plans for surgery were made on Tuesday. And by this afternoon, I intend to be a new woman with a new lease on life! 🙂
God has worked every detail out to His perfection, and I thank, thank, thank Him. My family has been so helpful and understanding during this process of pain and searching for answers. And our church family and friends have been wonderful as they have supported us through prayers, meals, and stepping in to help anytime we’ve needed. I’m so grateful to you all!
Thank you for your prayers. I thank my God upon every remembrance of you~
I am just now reading this. Praying that all went well. I’m just so glad that you finally found out why you were feeling so badly.
I pray everything went well and that you will recover quickly. So thankful that you will finally feel better.
Jennifer, so happy to hear this!! Praying you have a quick recovery and can even enjoy some turkey Thursday 🙂 Praying right now…
I know you will feel better after all is done! God bless you, and enjoy feeling better!!