It’s been a full and fun few weeks, and I can hardly believe that May is in a few days! Can you? I so pray that each of you had a blessed Easter. Our family sure did. I hope to never recover from the gratefulness for God’s gift to us through Jesus!
My mom was here with us, and of course, we had to pose for the yearly Easter pics. (If you’re on Facebook, wasn’t it fun looking at everyone’s pictures on Sunday? It made the miles of seperation between family and distant friends seem quite small.)
For our Easter dinner, we had around our family table: my mom, our dear youth intern, our new youth minister, his lovely wife and their darling daughter. This baby is the little gift God has given my empty, mom-of-teenager arms. 🙂 I love to hold and spoil her.
And I couldn’t talk about little children I love without also showing pictures of my neices and nephews… these are my sisters darlings.
On another subject, we’ve been enjoying our yard so much. Every day something new blooms. We walked outside one day and this is what we saw in the “Secret Garden Path”:
Several weeks ago, I had the privilege of serving the ladies of Tulip Grove Baptist Church as the speaker for their Spring Retreat in Gattlinberg, TN. My friends Stacey and Dianne drove with me, and it was an absolutely wonderful weekend. Spending time in the Word of God with the Tulip Grove ladies was a gift, and I pray that we are forever changed because of something God revealed to us during that weekend! Tulip Grove ladies – I’m still praying for you! Keep “Rising up and coming away!” 🙂
Here are a few pictures from that weekend:
And just in case we ever do another event together… which I sincerely pray that God will orchestrate again…we decided this would be a fun picture to have of the four of us when we first met. 🙂
We’ve been a part of Cleveland, MS for a year now. It was a year ago this past weekend that we met everyone for the first time, and that the church voted to call us to serve the Lord here. It has been the shortest year of our lives! James started work on May 1st, and the children and I began going back and forth between Nashville and Mississippi until the end of July when we settled “permanently” in our temporary above-garage home with the Yeagers. Looking back, it was a difficult and wonderful time. God has been so good to us through this transition.
One more thing I just had to share: I found a picture of Abigail taken last year on April 24, 2010, and compared it with our Easter picture, taken on April 24, 2011 – and I’m absolutely shocked at the physical change one year has brought in her life. It seems that one day she went in her room looking like the first picture and came out looking like the second!
I’m praying to treasure every moment of these next few years with our children in the nest. I know from so many of you of how quickly these last years fly.
May the Lord bless you this week, dear friends. And may you bless Him. This is what’s on our family chalkboard this week – it’s what I pray will be a reality in my life, my husband and children’s lives, and in your life too:
This is for our good.
Much love to you~
Beautiful pictures. Yes, you do look alike — you're all beautiful — but it is the smile and cheeks that bring out the resemblance.
I love the one year contrast picture of Abigail. I have one that is ready to sprout…she looks like the year ago picture. They are growing so fast.
I'm glad that you had a wonderful Easter. We did as well. It is good to reflect on the year. The past year had transitions in it for us as well. I'm sure our family will look back on it as a marked year of growth.
Jen, these pictures are GORGEOUS. And look at those sweet babies of yours! I can't believe the change. Growing up SO fast.
I'm so excited that you're doing the Couch to the 5K too! It's amazing to go from running for 30 seconds to 3 miles. Are you planning to run any races? Thanks so much for your sweet comments…..
Have a wonderful day my Friend. Hug and Love to you!!!
What beautiful pictures of so many smiling faces. I know you've had a wonderful year. I could not believe it when you said you've been there a year. It really has been a fast one. Yes, your daughter looks a lot like you..and you're both beautiful women!
Thanks so much, Jill! I think she's pretty beautiful too. And as her looking like me, I'll take that as a high compliment. 😉
Love to you~
Wow — what a difference a year has made for Abigail! She is beautiful, and I do think she is looking more like you as she is getting older. I loved all the pictures and am glad you and your family are doing so well.