Beth Moore wrote a fun blog post on Tuesday asking for her readers to share one favorite thing. Favorite anything. What a great idea! I plan to savor the comments and maybe find some new favorites. Sanguine as I am, I have lots of favorite things, and they change according to what I’m presently doing. I’ve often wanted to write a post on a few of them. If I was Oprah, I would send each of you a gift box full of some of my favorite things. Alas, I’m not Oprah…. but at least I can tell you what I would send you. 😉
Compared to Oprah’s, today’s favorites aren’t too exciting – but they make me really happy when I use them. I was working around the house and noticed that within the 30 minutes before writing this post, I used 5 of my all-time-favorite things.

Our Family Chalkboard – A “Family Chalkboard” had been on my prayer list for a long time. In our new home, we had the perfect spot for it – right above the kitchen table. I had ideas of making one out of a frame and chalkboard-painted plywood…which would have worked. But this precious friend offered me her childhood chalkboard that her dad had someone make for her when she was 5. She is around 60 now. It is a true treasure. I write encouraging verses, truths, or love notes on it for our family and anyone who enters our home. My mom is here visiting, so today the chalkboard welcomed her.
I did find a great combination of cleaners that works well with the Spray and Pray method. I spray the stain with “Awesome Laundry Pre Wash Stain Remover” that I buy at the Dollar Tree. One Dollar….and it works!!! Then I soak the sprayed stain in a mixture of Oxi-Clean (or the store brand equilivant) and hot water. I pray and ask God to help, and give Him all the credit. Spray, Pray, and Praise. It makes doing laundry a lot more fun!

Version of the Bible – I love and appreciate all versions – but the one I use most, and the one that has served as a springboard for further study of words or Biblical concepts is the Amplified Bible. It takes the Greek and Hebrew words and defines them right in the verses. If you want to check out the Amplified version or many different translations of Scripture, go to It’s an awesome resource. I love looking up my favorite verses in varied translations. My Amplified Bible and I are old friends. We’ve laughed, cried, rejoiced, questioned, desperately searched for answers, mercifully found answers, praised, confessed, and grown together over the last 16 years. It’s been rebound several times and will be needing another nip and tuck in the near future. I “try” to use other Bibles, but always come back to my dear, dear friend, the Amplified.
One last favorite for now:
My favorite man – James. 19 years ago on the 23rd of Feb. we met on a blind date that started in the vestibule of Bellevue Baptist Church. We married 7 1/2 months later. He was and is the man I prayed for all of my life. When I think about all of the events that God orchestrated to get both of us in that very place at that very time, how in the world can I ever doubt that God is fully aware of ALL that goes on in our lives, and is using EVERY bit of it to bring us to a place of our best and His glory?! He works behind the scenes when we’re not even aware that He’s present. Thank you, Dear Father, for You are doing – especially for those things done behind the scenes.
Happy “Blind Date Meeting” anniversary, honey! I’m so glad we waited for each other and learned to love Jesus before we learned to love each other.
Have a great rest of the week… I’ll be in and out, here and there, and hope to hop around to visit soon! Much love to each of you~
Sharon – I'd LOVE a Keurig Coffee Maker!!! How awesome! I also enjoy my Magic Eraser. 🙂
The next time I make green beans, I'm definitely adding a cap full of Dales!
Thanks to everyone for sharing your favorites~
Sharon – I'd LOVE a Keurig Coffee Maker!!! How awesome! I also enjoy my Magic Eraser. 🙂
The next time I make green beans, I'm definitely adding a cap full of Dales!
Thanks to everyone for sharing your favorites~
These are a few of my favorite things: My new Keurig Coffee Maker (a gift from my favorite mom-in-law).
Mr Clean Magic Eraser- it cleans my bath and shower amazingly easily!
Sitting by my fireplace on an icy winter day.
My NIV Life Application Bible- I recieved it when I was 21 and the growth I experienced as I dug into it over the next few years is endlessly valuable and precious to me.
I LOVE the Amplified version!
I love your posts about your favorite things! =)
Im a email subscriber to your blog..and whenever I see one of your emails – I just know that I will enjoy reading it.
Happy Anniversary!
Sweet favorite things, lady! I love that you really do pray about EVERYTHING…youre inspiring!
Hey Jennifer just wanted to say that your blog is a blessing and a joy! Have a great day! Tobi
Hi Jennifer. Love your blog…congrats on your anniversary and thank you for all of the wonderful things you bring to mind. I hope it is ok with you that I blogged today about your 10 minute bible study. SO wonderful! Thank you! Blessings. Amy
Hi Jennifer!
I too love the Dale's seasoning! Another suggestion is to put a capful in your green beans. It's good!
Jennifer, I know we'd have such fun if we ever had the opportunity to meet in person. Another sanguine! But my phlegmatic is also strong. I guess it helps balance me; lol.
Thanks for the tip on the Chlorox cleaning products. You actually helped me with that one as we are renting and they have old white countertops that are so hard to keep clean. This will help.
Congratulations on your anniversary. I love the photo of you two lovebirds. May you have many more years of love and happiness. And may you continue to shine brightly no matter where you are. Even in blogging world, you shine Jennifer.
Love and hugs to you,