This was on the picture of Tim Tebow: “When Tim Tebow wore John 3:16 on his eye black to a certain game, over 92 million people looked that verse up on Google. That means over 92 million people heard the Gospel just because one man took a stand.”
This precious little boy (who is trying to listen to the door knob with his parents’ ipod earbuds) is what has brought big smiles to our whole family on these days each December. God sent him to us to redeem a sad time in our lives. My daddy died on December 27th fifteen years ago, when Nathan was 10 weeks old. Even sadder, Daddy was buried on my sister’s birthday. But two years ago, God graced my sister and our whole family with an unexpected gift from above. On the day between Daddy’s death and burial date, when my sister’s family previously thought it was complete, my sister gave birth to a delightful little boy, and they named him Crawford (our maiden name).
Crawford has been a delight since day one. He’s been a good baby, and “easy” baby, and is already wearing “big boy pants”! The earliest potty training for a boy I’ve seen in my motherhood lifetime. He makes us smile every time we think of him. I could just eat him up!
What a precious gift of life God has given us all on this anniversary of death. We miss Daddy so much…. Fifteen years seems like both a lifetime ago and just a few years ago. But now, when we come upon these days after Christmas, we smile. We remember Daddy and we think of Crawford, and we smile about how much Daddy would have enjoyed him.
Happy Birthday, Crawford!
Thank you, Father, for your gifts of both!