Hello my friends~ Are you having as hard a time as I am believing that it is already December the first? Usually by this time of year, my Christmas decor has been up for at least a few weeks – but uncharacteristically, this year I still have fall leaves on my front and back porches and pumpkins piled up on my dining room table awaiting to be packed away, and half-decorated Christmas stuff strewn about the rest of the house. But in the strangest of ways, it’s OK, and my heart is at peace.
Going into this CHRISTmas season, I asked the Lord to help me receive my JOY in the anticipation of His return and to set my driving focus on the eternal instead of the temporal… and y’all… {even though Christmas and Fall decor are having a mash up in the dining room right now} our home has been at such Peace. I have been at Peace… and you know how that goes – the mom sets the tone for the home… as in “If mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.’
I’d really like to live all year long like this. Going into this busiest season, I’ve been determined to stay focused on Jesus, so that’s what I’ve done. And as a result, Jesus has helped me be more focused on doing the earthly work He has given me, and doing it with excellence. It’s been a win-win for everyone. Just thought I’d share. 😉
I also wanted to pass along a resource that I’m really excited about. It’s written by my friend, Arabah Joy – and was just released today. It’s called Grace Goals – and I totally need this!!! Maybe you do to0? Arabah writes:
So you want to change. You desire real spiritual progress … transformation.
You know Scripture promises this kind of radical change in Christ but you aren’t sure how transformation happens in the daily grit of life.
A New Year is right around the corner. There’s no better time to get intentional about change!
In Grace Goals, you’ll walk through the biblical process of
-recognizing the desires God Himself is birthing in your heart
-choosing and setting the right goals
-developing a clear, actionable plan to achieve those goals
-staying motivated when sticking to your plan is the last thing you want to do
-recognizing…and appropriating…God’s provisions of grace in the gritty moment you need itThe steps in this Book + Printable Bundle can be completed in a couple hours. With the goal setting worksheets, you will come away with your own personal plan for accomplishing what God is stirring in your spirit, whether it be to stop yelling at your kids or training for a half-marathon.
This bundle includes the Grace Goals book, 5 mini workshops, and the accompanying Printable Pack. Please note this is a DIGITAL product. You’ll receive a download link immediately after purchase.
TODAY only, the bundle is $10. After today, it is $15. Click here to read more about this and to purchase Grace Goals.
{And just so you’ll know – Arabah doesn’t even know I’m doing this! She didn’t put me up to promoting her resource – It’s just something I believe will be a blessing and I wanted to pass it along to you. :-)}
On another note, our 17 year old daughter had what we would all call {in the scope of life} a “minor” surgery the week before Thanksgiving. She spent one night in the hospital and came home the next afternoon. But this incision was large and deep and wide, and must heal from the inside out, with no stitches or packing… so it is basically a huge open wound at the moment. We thought it would be healed enough for her to go back to school this week, but instead, it looks like she may be out of school until after Christmas break. We are trying to sort through the details of how that will work, and what that will look like. [I always did want to be a homeschooling mom… So the very END of my children’s school career – it looks like I just might get a few weeks of my wish! Ummm… I just had in mind more arts and crafts and easier subjects to start with – not those Senior level science and math courses! ;-)]
Anyway, Abigail’s attitude through this has been beautiful, and God has used this experience as a restorative time for us as mother and daughter. In everything, give thanks, right? That’s what I’m doing, and God is showing me blessing after blessing during this time. If you think of us, would you lift up a prayer for Abigail, though? Being homebound is becoming wearisome on her. She can sit for short periods of time, so she can get out of the house for quick excursions and go places where we can monitor germ exposure to her wound, but she is still regaining strength and missing her activities and friends. She knows, however, that God’s got this, and it’s part of her story, and that HE is working in something more than just her wound. And for ALL of that, I am deeply grateful!
I’m thinking of and praying for you, my SmellingCoffee.com friends! These can be some tough and stressful days ahead. Determine to keep your focus set on Jesus – on His coming – Because Jesus’ arrival (back then in what we celebrate during Christmas, and today in His presence with us -Emmanuel, and in the future when He reigns as King Forever) changes everything, and gives us HOPE, STRENGTH, PEACE, and JOY!
Hope of all hopes, dream of our dreams,
a child is born, sweet-breathed; a son is given to us: a living gift.
And even now, with tiny features and dewy hair, He is great.
The power of leadership, and the weight of authority, will rest on His shoulders.
His name? His name we’ll know in many ways—
He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Dear Father everlasting, ever-present never-failing,
Master of Wholeness, Prince of Peace.
Isaiah 9:6 (VOICE)
Praying for healing– have a wonderful Christmas.