Hi friends. I’ve been a bit under the weather lately, so I’ve had lots of time to catch up on blogs, Facebook, and of course… Pinterest! During my time of “convalescing” I came across a couple of wonderful blog posts that I think will be a blessing to you.
1) One blog post is from my friend who goes by the name Arabah Joy (because she writes anonymously due to the nature of her service to the Lord.) In fact, she and her family of six just arrived in China & they will live there for the next several years, the Lord willing. I know they covet your prayers. If you want to follow her gentle words of wisdom you can find her at ArabahJoy.com. Arabah’s post I’m passing along today is a wonderful idea for a priceless gift we can give to those we love and desire to bless. You can find it here.
2) This blog post was written by a blogger-mom (A Minature Clay Pot) who had taken her teen daughters to the midnight movie in the Colorado theater during that horrible shooting. Her words, originally followed by only 11 people, have now gone worldwide, and God has used her post in a mighty way. Many of you may have already read her words, but for those who haven’t, I hope you will.
You know… We have no idea how God will use {where we are and what we experience} for his great glory and work in this world. Although the questions about this event remain endless & many are un-answerable, this mom chose to view this tragedy from the Lord’s perspective – trusting that somehow He is going to redeem this – as He does everything – for some good…somewhere…for someone. I know you will be blessed by her testimony.
Happy weekend to you, my friends.