Its less than a week until Christmas! Are you ready? I still have quite a bit to do, but I’m enjoying the process. 🙂
This anonymous poem went around the internet years ago. Since no one knows who wrote it, I took the liberty of changing it a just a bit to make a point for myself and my family. I hope it blesses you with a smile on your face and a pause in your heart as you continue to strive to Keep Christ AS Christmas this year.
Original author of the poem is unknown. Adaptations were made by Jennifer Walker.
“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.” Mat. 6:33 (NLT)
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A practical and inspirational approach to seeking and finding Jesus this Christmas season, Keeping Christ AS Christmas offers simple strategies and sanity savers to help your Christmas be meaningful in a new and treasured way. ; Prepare your hearts, households, and homes for Peace this Christmas season by Keeping Christ AS Christmas.
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