Are you anxious about the upcoming election results and the days that follow? So was I, until the Lord calmed my heart with this prayer:
Hi friends~
I have something I wanted to share with you.
In a few days, all ballots will have been cast for the next president of the United States of America. As November 5 approaches, we are inundated with information, observation, exaggeration, defamation, allegation, segregation, supplication, explanation, declaration, justification, and vindication… all vying for this Tuesday’s vote.
Like you, I’m so concerned for our nation – and I’m trying not to worry. So, I pray. But what if the party we are voting for loses? What are we to think? What are we to do? How are we to pray today, tomorrow, next week, next month, or next year?
These questions have been on my heart and mind for months. As I was praying for our country on the morning of September 11, I was conflicted in how to pray. I knew what I wanted… but I no longer had the confidence that what I wanted was what God wanted for us and for His glory.
However, by the time I finished praying, my heart was at rest. And now, every time I find myself overly worried about the future, I remember how the Lord led me to pray on Sept 11. Then I do it… I pray and I breathe and I rest in the Sovereignty and Love of my Father.
I am sharing my prayer from that day in case anyone else needs to breathe and rest in the sovereignty of the Father. May the Lord use it for His work and glory!

Journal entry prayer. Sept. 11, 2024
Lord, how do You want me/us to pray for our nation?
When I read Isaiah, I realize that all your words and warnings to them could fit the USA at this very moment. We see from what you allowed your Beloved Nation to experience after your repeated warnings against the consequences of their choices… that an implosion from within and destruction from without is what is next for this “one nation under God.”
We see throughout history how you have used those in authority to bring about your judgment on nations… and we know that your judgment is meant to bring us to repentance… and how repentance brings us back to You, Your freedom, Your peace, Your provision, and Your protection.
However, when we pray for Your hand to stay the consequences that we know will eventually come, are we praying this because we don’t want to lose the comfort and freedoms we presently enjoy? Is this why I’m praying?
Historically, we can see that without an intervention from you, wickedness always wins. And the people become captives to a government-run-individual-freedom-removed-godless-leader-controled way of life. YET – we also KNOW that as the times get darker, people will seek (and find) YOU, the Light!
We have been so blessed in this nation – to enjoy the freedoms we have. Selfishly, I don’t want to lose one more inch of this ground! I don’t want to lose the constitutional and amendment rights and ways of this nation. I earnestly pray that You will help us keep these freedoms – and I beg You not to turn us over to the depraved minds and desires of those intent on going against Your word and ways – Please!!! Let Your justice and righteousness prevail in the United States of America!
But, Lord, I don’t know if this is Your will.
So, after all said above, my one true prayer for this nation is “Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven!” May “Your kingdom come” – and however You know best to bring it about, we know that You will “give us each day our daily bread.”
No matter what, we can trust You because we know that You are the only Rightful Ruler in this world. No matter what happens in our future elections, this is Truth:
“O LORD, God of our fathers… You rule over all the kingdoms of the nations. In Your hand are power and might, so that none is able to withstand You.”
(2 Chronicles 20:6)
I believe… please help my unbelief… and strengthen me/ strengthen all of Your children to live out kingdom purposes even if, even though, and even when personal comforts are gone.
Thank you. LORD, that Heaven Rules!
Your will be done… Your kingdom come and rule on Earth as You do in Heaven.
This is my prayer for our beloved United States of America.

…Just some things to think and pray about as you process the days to come.
The LORD is Good, Faith-Full, and ALWAYS at work, and we can trust Him even if, even though, and even when.
In Jesus’ joy~

PS: Revive Our Hearts has a wonderful series running on the podcast called “Heaven Rules.” Every episode has been such a blessing – but especially this one. You will be encouraged!