I heart books! And these are some of my favorite books ever… you know… those books that I find myself reading and re-reading and recommending every chance I get because they have made a huge difference in my life and walk with the Lord.
If you are craving a book or study that will invest in your life, I know you’ll find one here. (I decided to link them all in one place and become an *affiliate with Amazon to help support this blog.). Just click on the picture of the book to find it on Amazon.
*If you purchase any of these books through this page, it won’t cost you anything extra, but I will receive a small percentage of the profits. (I’ll be adding more books as I can.)
Favorite Marriage and Empty Nest Books:
This is the BEST help in understanding our husbands that I’ve ever read (except from the Bible). If you’ve been struggling with wondering why your husband acts the way he does, or why he isn’t like “so and so’s” husband, this might be your answer, and what you can do about it! I think that this is one of the best marriage books for women ever written.
Read… enjoy… and love your man for who he was created to be. And let me know if it makes a difference in your marriage. (I’m so excited for you – because I already KNOW that it will!)
There are tons of resources available to guide us in praying for our children from birth to adulthood, but the most influential book I’ve read, and keep returning to is Stormie OMartian’s “The Power of Praying for Your Adult Children.” A bonus through this book is that the author teaches how to release that sense of mom-guilt when we begin to doubt how we parented. It’s definitely a must read on praying powerfully for our adulting children.
For Personal Spirital growth:
This is one of my all-time favorite books, discovered on a clearance rack at the Mississippi College bookstore some thirty-plus years ago… and I still read it every other year. Short but deep, each day’s reading is a both a challenge and a treasure.
This is the original language (a bit King-James-ish…but it’s what my book is… so dear to me):
and this is the version with the updated more modern language:
This is a book that I’ve often read while the year is new. The Lord often uses The Calvary Road to give me a spiritual “workout” over starving the flesh and feeding the Spirit. It’s a daily battle, but each time I choose to put into practice the principles in The Calvary Road, and bend my “I” into a “C” (as in “Not I, but Christ”), I know my spiritual muscles will grow stronger.
If you’re in for a spiritual workout, this is the book for you! But beware… just as physical workouts are temporarily painful, so will be this road to Calvary. However, the benefits will be eternal.
This is a FREE PDF version (but I can’t recommend the links that appear at the end of the PDF… just the Calvary Road material.)
For the paper version:
e-book version here.
THE POWER OF PRAYING books (ALL of them) – by Stormie OMartian
These books on prayer have changed my prayer life! Through the verses and encouragement, the Lord has given me hope and courage to boldly approach the Throne of Grace in my time of need – for myself, my husband, and my children. The Word of God brings the power to the prayers, while Stormie OMartian reminds us that even when we feel like a failure as a woman, wife, or mom… God is STILL faithful to His Word, and is in the business of redemption. PTL!!!! I heart these books! {I especially love the one on praying for your adult children – because I’m beginning to understand that prayer is often our only way to touch those decisions our children are making, as we are only observing from a distance!}
PS: Good news – there is now a The Power of a Praying Husband, a The Power of a Praying Kid, a The Power of a Praying Teen, and The Power of a Praying Grandparent too! Check them out below:
This next one is a 3 in 1: The Power of a Praying Woman, Wife, and Mom
Men: this next one is for you!
How awesome to teach our children and teens to pray this way. Wish these had been around back when…
My copy of this book is SO old!!! It’s totally got that 1970’s vibe going on – but the truths inside remain timeless. Full of “how to’s” and various study methods and explanations, How to Study the Bible by Yourself will walk you through several practical approaches to begin to understand the Bible (without having to depend on someone else to decode it.) This book is a great “starter tool” for learning to dig into God’s Word.
I’ve probably done hundreds of Bible Studies over the years, but the ones that stand out and have made the deepest impact upon my walk with Jesus are:
Bible Study: EXPERIENCING GOD – by Henry Blackaby
This study teaches us how to apply Biblical principals to everyday decisions, and helps us learn to recognize God’s work and movement in and around our lives. Over the past 25 years and in 5 churches, I have had the privilege of taking or leading this study at least 7 times. However familiar I am with it, I am still always challenged and strengthened! This is a study that I wish every single believer in Jesus Christ would do… and every church would do together… and every church committee would do together! It would definitely make a difference in how we looked at our lives, ministry, and the world around us. If you haven’t yet done this study, please do so! Don’t let yourself miss out on learning to Experience God!
Bible Study: LIVING GOD’S WORD – Waylon B. Moore
This Bible study is a practical “How-to” in opening God’s Word, reading it, studying it, applying it, praying it, and letting it affect every area of our lives. It teaches a wonderful framework for how to have a “quiet time” (a daily personal time with Jesus through HIs Word), what to do, and why. It’s great for new beliers as they learn good Bible study habits, as well as deep enough for seasoned believers to be reminded of the basics of walking with Jesus. I can’t recommend this highly enough!
Women’s Bible Study: SEEKING HIM – by Nancy Leigh DeMoss Wolgemuth
I could go on and on about this book! If you are dry spiritually and in need of a revival… this is a tool the Lord will use to refill and renew you! If you are stuck in a habitual pattern of sin… this is a tool the Lord will use to release you and give you victory. If you feel like you are in a good place with the Lord… this is a tool the Lord will use to draw you even nearer to Himself. Every chapter is so rich and full of Truth, one could spend an entire week studying just one day! If you are looking to grow in your intimacy with the Lord… this book will definitely do it!
Books to Bless our Marriages:
This is the BEST help in understanding our husbands that I’ve ever read (except from the Bible). If you’ve been struggling with wondering why your husband acts the way he does, or why he isn’t like “so and so’s” husband, this might be your answer, and what you can do about it! I think that this is one of the best marriage books for women ever written.
Read… enjoy… and love your man for who he was created to be. And let me know if it makes a difference in your marriage. (I’m so excited for you – because I already KNOW that it will!)
e-book version here.
WIFE SCHOOL by Julie Gordon
In the most non-threatening and actually humorous way, Wife School author, Julie Gordon, speaks through a genie who helps a wife named Jessica learn how to love and respect her husband. In doing so, their falling-apart marriage is restored. In the midst of the young wife’s learning sessions, non-fiction wives {I’m talking about us} will also be instructed and challenged. 😉
Julie covers every imaginable topic that causes friction between husband and wife… you know… those things that our men do or don’t do that we really want to change… and teaches the things wives can do to bring the desired change and healing to marriage. {Because, we wives KNOW that no matter what we say or how we manipulate, we can’t force our men to make lasting changes to please us. But there are some things we CAN do, along with prayer, that will turn their hearts back toward us causing them to want to change. Amen?}
e-book version here.
Fiction and NonFiction that Inspires:
A VOICE IN THE WIND by Francine Rivers, book one of The Mark of the Lion series. (Fiction)
My all time favorite fictional book series is Francine Rivers; series The Mark of the Lion.
“A Voice in the Wind transports readers back to Jerusalem during the first Jewish-Roman War, some seventy years after the death of Christ…After surviving the massacre of her family and the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans, Hadassah is captured and sold to a well-to-do merchant’s family. Brought to Rome, she is pressed into service as a personal slave to hedonistic Julia Valerian…. Confused and alone, she has only her faith to cling to as she tries to subtly bring God into the lives of her captors.” (From Francine River’s website)
From my own personal words: Every time I read this book, The Lord uses it to convict me and to challenge me to live and love more like Hadassah. You will find New Testament Biblical characters woven throughout this fictional series, and it gives us a realistic look at what life was like for the early followers of Christ.
e-book version here.
The 3-book series is here, because you’ll definitely want to read books 2 and 3!
e-book version here.
THE HEAVENLY MAN by Brother Yun (Non-Fiction)
The most wonderful and terrible book I’ve ever read! God has used this book to strengthen my faith, prayer life, and resolve to stand, bow, and serve Him, no matter what.
Brother Yun is one of China’s house church leaders, a man who despite his relative youth has suffered prolonged torture and imprisonment for his faith… This astonishing book will form a watershed in your spiritual life… (from the back cover)
I couldn’t agree more! Brother Yun’s testimony is a beautiful~horrible picture of someone who, despite the torture, loss, and pain, considered his suffering an honor in Christ. He has experienced God doing miracle after miracle to sustain him and the house-body of Christ in China. He is just one of many believers around the world who are currently standing firm amidst the difficulties, boldly and bravely spreading the Good News of Salvation, knowing that their real home is not this world – it is in Heaven. We could learn much from their examples for our days ahead.
e-book version here.
More added soon!
*If you purchase any of these books through this page, I will receive a small percentage of the profits.