The days are flying by… It seemed that we literally turned around and now January is almost over. More than any other year in our family thus far, this fly-by January means that the days of all four of us living permanently under one roof are dwindling quickly. My “theme” for myself during this season of two high school graduates back to back has been “Savor THIS Moment.” But now, with only four months left in the school year, it’s time to do more than savoring… It’s time to physically prepare for the demands and the changes ahead.
But because we still await the Lord’s direction, clarity, and provision for Nathan’s (and Abigail’s) future plans, it’s kind of hard to do much specific preparation at the moment. However, there is ONE thing this mama can do every single time my breath catches in my throat at the thought of my babies leaving the nest: I can pray.
And pray, I will.
The other day in my quiet time, I stumbled upon these incredible verses in 2 Thessalonians chapter 1. I looked them up in every translation I could gather online, and settled on The Message version as my constant prayer verses for my children in these days ahead. Oh what Peace! Now I can exhale. Breathe.
What Comfort of the Lord I feel when I pray His Words over His children… especially the two He chose to entrust to James and me for so short a time on this earth. And like any good thing, I couldn’t keep it to myself. 🙂
Do you need a powerful Word to pray over your loved ones today? If so, this passage isn’t just for the college bound. Its for any of us who have someone on our hearts and in our lives that we are jealous for God to grab hold of, fill, and use in a way that brings Himself glory.
Feel free to save the picture and pass it along to those you love. And most of all, pray it. Then breathe in the Lord’s Peace and exhale. 😉