Good Saturday morning, friends! In our area Spring Break has begun. Seriously, it feels like it was just Christmas a few weeks ago! (And it doesn’t help that we have been having unusually cold days and icy weather down south.) I know that many of you are still under snow today – but for us, whether it looks or feels like it or not, it’s spring break in the Mississippi Delta! Yahoo!!!
In light of that, I thought I’d pass along a few favorite freebies that I use & enjoy – since maybe some of you might have extra time in the coming days (or whenever you have your own Spring Break) to check them out.
My friend, Kim ( does a fun post every Friday where she shares her favorite shopping finds, which is a super idea. So I thought I’d do like Kim & share my FREE finds this week. (BTW, Kim has a super give away on her blog right now… You’ll want to check it out!)
If you plan to travel anywhere – have I got an app for you!
“Waze – a free, community-based traffic & navigation app.
When you download Waze, you not only get a free navigation, but also become part of the local driving community in your area, joining forces with other drivers nearby to beat traffic, save time, and improve everyone’s daily commute…”
This app is available for android and iPhone. When you download it, you can set up your account and make your own little Waze person. You can choose to show up on others’ maps or to remain private.
My favorite part of this app is the ability to know what is happening on the road ahead. As each Wazer travels, he/she can report traffic hang ups, weather conditions, even speed traps.
Then you can choose which reports pop up on your map along your route.
I’ve made a commitment to The Lord to be a better steward of the body He has given me. For me, that means getting up off of my couch-potatoish rear & doing some type of exercise each day.
I just have two problems with that: my Quiet Time & my hair.
See, for me, the most optimal time to exercise each day would be in the morning, before I get ready for the day. But that time belongs to Jesus, and though bodily exercise is profitable, I need a Jesus workout more than I need an aerobic one.
Which leads me to my other problem: my hair. If I workout later in the day, the sweat ruins my hair for the rest of the day & the next. I can’t wash my hair every day, so I have to protect it from moisture, which causes it to frizz & expand times three.
I know… It’s hard to have such deep problems.
Valid or not, these are my reasons for my laziness in working out. And believe you me… I’ve tried everything! I’ve tried adding a walk on the end of my QT. I’ve tried exercising as an act of worship. I’ve tried using that work out time to pray & memorize scripture… I’ve tried it all. There just isn’t enough time in my morning up get it all done, get my family & home settled for the day, and to get myself ready. I think I’m too high maintenance. (I can hear some of you saying “Well, Duh!”)
Anyway, in comes this app & I am slowly getting into shape 7 minutes at a time.
I use the top one : Seven Minute Workout. It can be set to meet you right where you are, using what you have in your home for work out equipment. Of course, I’m a beginner, but the intensity level goes way high, too. You can add your own background music, and there is an instructor explaining & counting down every movement.
This was free at one time, but if this particular app isn’t free, there are plenty of 7 minute workout apps that are. It’s what has worked for me & my couch-potatoish self right now. 😉
This next freebie is definitely a favorite of mine. I visit it every day, and download tons of free apps that I don’t need & probably never will. But hey… I’ve got them IF I’m ever in a dire situation where I’m called upon to produce a home-made invoice, or speak French, or layer 10 photos on top of each other to save lives. Ahem.
My sister calls me an app hoarder, and that I suppose I am. So if you’d like to hoard apps too, you’ll want to download this one app then check it daily. Sometimes there are rich treasures offered. Truly.
That’s it for today. I may be reposing some favorite posts this week since we will be Spring-breaking.any blessings to each of you, friends~
I LOVE this Jen! I have tried Waze. It’s a fun app. Looking forward to all you share here my Friend. PS ~ I am SO right there with you on WHEN to workout? Quiet Time + Getting my kids to school + Getting myself ready? I need that 7 minute app.
Thanks for sharing these free things!
Sending blessings for a wonderful weekend!
Thanks for sharing! I hope you have a blessed weekend.