Hi friends~ I sure do hope you are enjoying your Summer so far. We are. We’ve been here, there, and a little bit of everywhere in between… and I’m thinking its time for a little internet break (plus, it’s VBS week, too!). I’ll be back in a week or two.
Until then, if you haven’t read it yet, and are in need of some encouragement, please read the post: The Red Sea Rules. It has been such a blessing to me. I’ve found myself going back to this post and reading it almost every day. The first “rule” has been especially comforting and encouraging to me and the situation we continue to find ourselves in (with James in one state and us still living in the other). Though our lives are completly unsettled, I am at peace in the Lord because I know that we are right where He has placed us.
Blessings of the Lord to each of you~ I’ll ttyl…
PS: For a few summer time laughs, here are some very funny parody videos from Anita Renfroe. The first one is a parody of Beyonce’s song “All the Single Ladies”, and the second is of Carrie Underwood’s “Before He Cheats”. Some awesome LOL moments in each!
One more non-related thing, but it makes me happy: If you use Blogger, have you noticed the new “preview” option at the bottom? I’m SO glad they added this! Just had to share!!!
See you soon, friends~
Kay Kay says
I loved the El Shaddi blog. It was very encpiering. I love your blogs! There great! And those videos! I also blog with blogger. My blog is onthe-pointe.blogspot.com. Thanks!
bluecottonmemory says
My husband has been out of the country or out of the state since we moved last summer. We're praying for a job in town – and for our house to sell! God said, "Go" – but it's still so tough! It is a definite walk of faith!
Charissa Steyn says
Just found your blog today 🙂 I an encouraged by the "red sea rules" you posted!! Great stuff! And i look forward to watching some of those funny videos you posted 🙂 Thanks lady!!
Lynn says
This is hilarious! We need to be able to laugh cause there's no changing it, we just keep getting older!
Loren says
OMG this was great! Thanks for the laughs!!! Going to put this on my Shred Sisters blog! Tooo funny!