Today is the day we “officially” turn our eyes from Fall to the Christmas season. {YAY!!!} Though I cherish the days of pumpkins and leaves, I’m most excited about the days ahead, Advent, and the celebration of Christmas!! How about you?
Do you observe Advent?
The season of Advent customarily begins on the fourth Sunday before Christmas day, OR on December 1 … or whenever you decide to prepare your heart for the CHRISTmas season.
The word “Advent” simply means “coming” or “arrival.”
As we begin (or continue to) prepare for the traditional Christmas observances – in the house cleaning, decorating, cooking, shopping, and gift wrapping, Advent observances help us spiritually prepare for the coming of CHRISTmas.
Although Advent is observed in various ways, and on various days, the main point of Advent is the intentional daily setting of our hearts and minds on our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ as we look to His coming in two ways.
Jesus came to earth the first time as a baby born in a manger, so we joyfully celebrate His birth each Christmas season. But Jesus didn’t stay a baby. He grew up to become a Man – a Man who gave His life for ours and paid the death penalty for the sins you and I commit. Death could not hold Him, and He became the Victor over sin and death: the Giver of new life He provided for us.
During the Advent season, we celebrate the coming of Jesus to earth as a Man. But we also rejoice in the anticipation of Jesus’ next advent because soon, He will come again. Except for this next time, He won’t come as a baby in a manger – – He’ll come as a Judge and The Triumphant KING of all kings and LORD of all lords (Rev. 19:11 & 16)!

There are practically a gazillion Advent ideas out there in cyberspace and in book stores. In fact, I have a whole Pinterest board dedicated to Advent ideas. Warning: Many Advent ideas you may find out there have nothing to do specifically with Jesus – they focus only on counting down the days until Christmas. However, for a true Jesus-Advent celebration, we can take those cute Advent wreaths, boxes, or banners, and fill them with things that point to the coming of Jesus – not just the coming of Santa.
What can we put in these little Advent boxes, envelopes, drawers, or pockets?
Some people put candy in each one. Or money. Or a fun activity for the day, or an act of kindness to do for someone.
But in order to use these Advent pockets as a focus toward Jesus, we can also include:
A Scripture verse or passage as part of the Christmas story .
You can find a free version for younger children here, from the Happy Home Fairy.

This is a collection of Bible Verse references to use each day from Draw one out, look it up, and build on the Christmas story day by day.

Another idea: tuck in a Name of Jesus inside of those Advent pockets, boxes, or envelopes. Click here to access an incredible site with over 900 names of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.
Or, you can include one portion of the Christmas Story Alphabet Poem for each day. Click here for the poem, copy, print, and cut apart each letter section.
Our family has used the Names of Jesus in various ways at Christmas. I’ll usually choose 25 favorite names, or let the family contribute to choosing the 25. Then we write each name and reference on a small strip of paper. I’ll tuck it in whatever calendar we are using, and if there’s room, I’ll include a little candy or something.
Or you could place a letter of the alphabet in each pocket/drawer.
Whatever letter is drawn out for that day, have everyone list things they know and love about God and Jesus that begin with that letter… or a Scripture verse with a key word begining with that letter… or list things begining with that letter for which they are thankful.

As James 1:5 promises, if we lack wisdom, we can ask God, and He will give it to us! So ask Him what He would like for you to put in your advent envelopes and boxes this year. He will show you. It’s a promise! 🙂
Other ways to use the Names of Jesus this Christmas:
I LOVE this NAMES OF JESUS PRINTABLE Advent CHAIN from Click here for the direct link.
These can be printed in any color (we used red and green) and will be decorative as well as fun as one link is torn off each day. I love seeing what special name of God, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit we can cling to for that day.

Advent Ornaments with the Names of Jesus on Them
Several years ago I made a set of ornaments with the names of Jesus on them. We used them in the mantle greenery – but then I saw an idea of using them as an Advent activity. We placed the ornaments in a beautiful bowl and each day we drew out one ornament, read about that Name from Scripture, then hung it on the lighted mantle greenery. It was a special way to begin each day as a family.
To make:
Use glass or plastic Christmas ball ornaments and gold/silver/white paint pens. Write a name of God, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit on each ornament and let it dry. Decorate as much or little as you desire. String pretty ribbon through the top and you’ll have your own set of Advent ornaments to use year after year. 🙂

The Jesse Tree
A Jesse Tree is either a banner, poster, or a regular tree decorated with symbols that retell the story of mankind and the redemptive hope we have in Jesus Christ. Its name comes from Isaiah 11:1: “Then a shoot will grow from the stump of Jesse, and a branch from his roots will bear fruit.” (HCSB)
By reading the specific scriptures and adding a specific ornament to the tree each day of Advent, the Jesse Tree is a way to connect the Advent season with the faithfulness of God to His people – thousands of years ago, as well as today.
This is a post from Proverbial Homemaker with 25 ideas for making (or downloading) Jesse Tree ornaments and scriptures to use with them.
This is a list of different downloadable scriptures and pictures, from
And these are some FREE printable ornaments from Nomadic Poetry Studio, along with a free downloadable devotional to use with them. Even though they are child-friendly, they can be used for both young and old.

The ornaments and trees don’t need to be elaborate. In fact, I’ve noticed very few “perfect-decor-worthy” looking Jesse Trees. That’s part of the beauty of it. The Jesse Tree is primarily a teaching tool, so don’t worry about being so formal with it. Most people draw a tree on a poster board, hang it on a door or the refrigerator, and attach the paper ornaments with glue or tape. I usually use a tiny table-sized Christmas tree that fits on a plant stand as our Jesse Tree.
Scripture copying.
From “Symphony of Praise” blogger, Erika Michelle, “Inscribing the Word is the simple study of writing out the Scriptures. It is a simple, but purposeful Bible Study Method that brings the Word of God to life like never before.”
Scripture copying is setting aside a small amount of time each day to write out a short, selected passage of scripture, intentionally dwelling on it as you write. Taking the time to soak in the details of the Truth you are writing will inscribe that Truth upon your heart.
On the Symphony of Praise site, Erika offers many monthly Scripture writing plans. Here are a few specific to December. For Advent 2019, I will be using THIS one, from 2017.

Because from now until the new year, the days will become more hectic as they tick by, it will be imperative for us to be intentional in keeping our focus set on Jesus each day.
If we don’t do that, we’ll look back on this season and realize that we missed the most important Thing. Let’s decide today to do whatever it takes to not just Keep Jesus Christ in Christmas, but to Keep Jesus Christ AS Christmas this year.
More ideas for keeping our hearts and homes stayed on Jesus during these days can be found in my e-book I put together in 2011, Keeping Christ AS Christmas.

Blessings of the Lord upon each of you, my friends, as we begin to look forward to the coming of Jesus Christ – celebrating Him as a baby, and awaiting His return as KING! Advent is here~

E-book by Jennifer: Keeping Christ AS Christmas: Preparing hearts, households, and homes for PEACE this Christmas season. Click here for more details, and “like”the Keeping Christ AS Christmas facebook pageto share YOUR ideas on keeping Jesus as the Center of the Christmas season.