If you need a good laugh today, watch this! (Unfortunately, it hits quite close to home with me and my driving skilz!) {I had a friend visiting over the weekend, and after a while, we lost count of how many curbs I ran over!}
Christy – at least I didn’t drive like most of these people. I’ve watched this a gazillion times, but no matter how often I’ve seen it or done it, I still LAUGH OUT LOUD!
Enjoy ~ 🙂
I've seen this one before but I have to say I laugh out loud each time I watch it. Too funny!!!
Laughter is good for the soul, isn't it?
Love you,
Watched this the other day and was cracking up! I've soooo been that woman (and sometimes been the other driver too…wanting more than anything to just park it for them!) Great one!
I just came to your blog in a round about way from the LPM blog and this just cracked me up!! I loved when the guy got out of his car and just parked for her. I'm not sure I would have waited as long as he did! LOL thanks so much for an out loud laugh this morning! I'll be back to visit again. I love to find other Christian women in blogland.