Hi friends~ I don’t know about where you live, but in the Mississippi Delta, we finally have had a few cooler mornings, making us feel like Fall could be around the corner. {However, last week our weather man said that it was going to cool off for the week… and it did… the highs for the days were down to 91! haha}
My mom is recovering from her surgery on schedule and is doing very well with her physical therapy! She’s been a great patient to care for, and will continue to stay with us through the end of the month. Thanks so much to those of you who have prayed for her and for us during this time.
Due to limited study time, I’ve been taking a break from teaching and writing, but I did get to spend a wonderful day on Saturday with the ladies from Carrolton Baptist Church in Carrolton, MS. It was the sweetest fellowship, and I’m so thankful to have had a part in what God did on Saturday. So a big shout-out to the ladies of Carrolton Baptist Church!
Back to Fall…Whatever the weather, it’s time to bring out the pumpkins in both decor and in deliciousness! Are you feeling Fall-ish yet? I’m hoping to make something with pumpkin this week. Can’t wait! Here are a few fall favorites from my “Fall” Pinterest board. Looking at it just makes me happy! 🙂

Happy fall, y’all! I’ve missed you! 🙂