…or how we press on in parenting, or in marriage, or at work, or in a season of difficult obedience…
Sometimes that’s the only way. That, and this:
But isn’t it really enough?
Today, no matter what, lets choose to rejoice in the fact that we don’t have to do life on our own. It isn’t by anything of our personal ability or strength or possession that we victoriously continue to put one foot in front of the other… It is by the Strength & Grace & Power & Might & Sustenance of Our God, Most High.
Lets worship Him today as we walk forward not by might, not by power, but by HIS Spirit.
Happy SON-day ~
“Today, no matter what, lets choose to rejoice in the fact that we don’t have to do life on our own. “I like this quote from your blog post… Many of my fellow single friends struggle with being alone…I may have moments of loneliness but Praise God I’m not alone.. No I am never alone for God is with me my strength and redeemer! thanks for the reminder. Have a blessed SONday as well.