Do you ever wonder what people mean when they say something like “The Lord spoke to me and said…”? Or, have you ever wished you could hear God speak to you personally like that?
God wants you to hear Him like this. He will speak to you.
However, it takes time and heart invested in knowing and obeying God’s written Word to be able to discern His spoken word. See, God always speaks words consistent to His written Word. He will NEVER contradict Himself and His written Word. The more we know what His Words look like and sound like as we soak them into our hearts and minds, the more we’ll know what God’s voice sounds like as The Holy Spirit speaks to us.
In Henry Blackaby’s wonderful Bible Study, Experiencing God, he teaches some practical helps on learning to discern God’s voice. I came across some notes I had taken on the subject as I was preparing to facilitate that particular week’s study, and the Lord led me to share them with you. It’s true. He spoke to me and gave me that desire. Because I pray about everything I put on this blog, I’m trusting that God will take this and use it in a way that brings Him great glory. 🙂
I’m so thankful for each reader God brings across this page. I pray for you often, and consider you friends. God knows exactly everything about you and all you need, and I trust Him to show Himself to you and to have His way with you – for your good and His glory. Much, much love to you, my friends~
Learning to Discern God’s Voice
(Adapted from teachings in Experiencing God, Unit 2)
*This is not a formula nor is it a method. This is a “checklist” for you use as you make sure your heart, attitude, and actions are conducive to hearing and understanding God’s voice.
REMEMBER: YOUR RELATIONSHIP TO JESUS IS THE KEY TO KNOWING GOD’S VOICE AND HEARING WHEN HE SPEAKS! He wants an INTIMATE love relationship with you. He wants you to depend on Him alone.
1. First, before any thing else, seek to get your heart into such a state that it has no will of its own in regard to the given matter.
2. DO NOT leave the result to feeling or simple impression.
3. Seek the Will of God through the Word of God. The Holy Spirit will ALWAYS guide us according to His Word. NEVER will he contradict Himself!
4. Then, look to see where God is working around you. (George Mueller called these “providential circumstances.”)
5. Pray, and ask God to reveal His Will to you. The Holy Spirit will teach you all things, will call to your memory the things Jesus said, will guide you into all truth, will speak what He hears from the Father, will tell you what is yet to come, and will glorify Christ as He reveals Christ to you.
6. Continue to PRAY, STUDY GOD’S WORD, and WATCH, WAIT AND LISTEN. Soon you will come to a deliberate judgement according to the best of your knowledge.
7. Continue to PRAY, STUDY GOD’S WORD, and WATCH TO SEE HOW HE USES THE WORD OF GOD TO CONFIRM IN YOUR HEART A WORD FROM GOD, WAIT AND LISTEN. If your mind is at peace, and continues to be so after two or three more times of PRAYING, STUDYING GOD’S WORD, WATCHING, WAITING, AND LISTENING, proceed accordingly.
To make right decisions:
• Sincerely seek God’s direction.
• Wait patiently on God until you have a Word from God.
Gwynie Pie says
So, so, so needed this right now. Thanks Jennifer. I'm going to print it down and share with my husband. Thanks for listening and obeying. 🙂
Gwyn Rosser,
The Pink Tractor
Jill says
Great advice! I have an easier time hearing God's voice at some times in my life than others. I guess it depends on how closely I am walking with him at the time.
Kay says
Love this post. I have another book by Blackaby called Hearing God's Voice and it's very good too. Great much truth there!!! : )
mary beth says
What a great reminder this morning! I went through Experiencing God many years ago, and it's good to refresh my was life changing, but we all need to review!Thank you for putting this out there for those who have been wondering about these questions! Have a wonderful day, and keep listening! Love your blog to bits!