“O GIVE thanks unto the Lord, call upon His name, make known His doings among the peoples!
Sing to Him, sing praises to Him; meditate on and talk of all His marvelous deeds and devoutly praise them.
Glory in His holy name; let the hearts of those rejoice who seek and require the Lord [as their indispensable necessity].
Seek, inquire of and for the Lord, and crave Him and His strength (His might and inflexibility to temptation); seek and require His face and His presence [continually] evermore.
[Earnestly] remember the marvelous deeds that He has done, His miracles and wonders…”
Psalm 105:1-5 (Amp)
Hi friends. Its been a while & I’ve missed you! I couldn’t let this day go by without writing to do just what Psalm 105:1-5 says ~ to give thanks to the Lord and to make known His deeds among the peoples… That’s you. 😉
As of later today, we will have a house in Cleveland. The Lord has provided a way for us to have this house even though we continue to wait on our house in Nashville to sell. And we are so grateful! It is a home that was owned by a well loved couple in this town, & everyone loves this house because everyone loved them. When we walked in the door, we could feel the love of God and others in this home. The precious wife is now with Jesus, & the husband still lives in town. We look forward to knowing & loving him as everyone else in Cleveland does.
I had all kinds of pictures that I took with my phone, but last week, I washed my phone in a load of laundry. Needless to say, it is no longer with us. I saved the memory card, so one day, when I have nothing else to do, (ha ha) I’ll learn to transfer them over. For now, the only picture I have is a picture of a beautiful watercolor painting of the home. (And I can’t seem to find a way to post it here from my phone.)
We’ve been working on it all week, and hope to have it ready to move in by the end of next week. I’ll take some pictures between now and then & post them when I can.
The Lord has done so many things for us. This will certainly be the home that He put together! From one provision after another, He continues to remind us that He is faithful & will supply all of our needs.
This journey we’ve walked with Him over these past 15 months hasn’t been a smooth or easy one. In fact, I’ve often wondered why God would let more roadblocks enter this path than any other time of our lives. I don’t know the answers to the “why” questions at all. Probably never will. But I do know a few “what” answers…
“What” God has been doing in our lives during this time of stripping away and putting back together in His way:
He is teaching us to depend upon Him for everything. Every big thing. Every tiny thing.
He is teaching us that we don’t “need” much of what we thought we did. Like Psalm 105:3 says, He alone is our Indispensable Necessity. If we cling to Him, He will take care of the rest.
He is teaching us to enjoy the present moments and to not worry about tomorrow. Its been a long lesson to learn, but along the way, I have had such joy & relief of heart as I’ve sought to cling to & obey God for today, & trusted Him for tomorrow!
And God has bonded our family of four in a special way that I pray we never lose. When two adults & two teenagers live in one small space for 3 months, family bonding takes on a whole new dimension. I honestly can’t imagine how it will be to each have our own rooms again. I think I’ll miss being so close to each other…then again, maybe a little privacy will be appreciated… 🙂
When I read Psalm 105 today, I just couldn’t keep what God is doing in our lives to myself. One of these days, when we are settled in our own home, & my computer is in my lap & connected to wireless internet again, I’ll look forward to journaling & sharing more of what God has done. Until then, know that I think of you dear readers often & I pray for all who stop by this blog.
May you Glory in His holy name; & may your hearts rejoice, who seek and require the Lord as your Indispensable Necessity. Because that’s just what He is!
Much love to you all…
Homemaker Design says
Hi, just come across…(or lead to 😉 your blog a little while ago and I was taken by your story. Though I haven't read through all your older posts I was amazed at what you've been going through and your faith. I thought this post was lovely and such a wonderful expression of our Lord's grace and provision – He is truly Amazing!!! I feel for you and understand your struggles, God bless you and I look forward to hearing more about His workings in your life!
Amber Noel Davis says
Hello Jennifer,
I came across your blog one night as I clicked passed mine on blogspot. I was encouraged by your obedience to God's call on your life and the way that you lift His name up in such a positive way. I just wanted to encourage you back. Thank you.
Amber Noel Davis
author….."A Work in Progress" http://www.awipsite.com
Nanna says
congrats on the move, love the scripture for today, so true & so inlightning I will be in Tenn this weekend at the Anointed Praise & worship conference
Bobbie says
Im looking for pictures too!!!!
Kay says
So glad God has provided a way for you..even though the road was a bumpy one. So sorry you washed your phone. (I washed an iPod the other day. Not cool). Looking forward to seeing pictures. : )
Debbie says
Jennifer, how thrilled I am for you! The Lord has provided a home for you. We women love our nests, don't we? I'll continue praying that the Nashvile home will sell soon.
Lessons learned through the tough seasons of life; oh my! I could write a book. I'm still in the midst but God is faithful. I'm seeing the beginnings of His working in our life and hearts, even Greg.
Love you,