And what is happening Behind the Scenes of Silence
Here we are…
At this very moment…
In this exact place…
We must rest in this Truth: God knows, God remembers, God ordains, and God orchestrates the milliseconds of our moments.
I was thinking about Zachariah and Elizabeth (Luke 1) today~ The YEARS they served the Lord and walked righteously before Him… the YEARS they had prayed for a child… The 400 YEARS of silence from the Lord to His chosen people who for centuries were awaiting the promised Messiah… And that very moment on that specific day in that exact place during that particular season of life (when humanly speaking, hope was gone).
I was thinking about them and about how God wove every detail of their lives to bring them to that very day when the 400 years of silence was broken, and Zachariah (whose name means “God remembers”) was told that God had heard his prayers. They would have a son, and their son would prepare the way for the Savior of the World!
God’s timing was perfect.
Who, but God, knows what would have been different had Zachariah and Elizabeth had a child earlier… Who, but God, knows what would have been different had Zachariah been chosen years earlier to serve in the temple… The outcome would have been the same, but the story would have been different.
Aside from their trust in God, Zachariah and Elizabeth had no idea that the “years of silence” were not dormant. But God was working behind the scenes, building, preparing, and making the way for His answer to their immediate prayers for a son, and their lifelong prayers for a Savior.
In that period of silence, God was setting the stage for Jesus, who would save us all from our sins and give to each of us real LIFE. Our lives are changed and blessed because of the work God was doing in the “years of silence”.
This is a beautiful Truth to me today. Right where we are…At this very moment…
On this specific day…In this exact place…During this particular season of life…God is not dormant. He is working, building, preparing, and makeing the way for His answer to our immediate prayers, and to our lifelong ones.
In previous periods of “silence”, God would use this story of these faithful servants of His to remind us that He is working behind the scenes, setting the stage for Jesus, who will make Himself known and glorified as He changes and blesses our lives, and the lives of others, through the work He is doing this very moment – that seems silent to us.
The same is true for you today. Wherever you are…Here you are…At this very moment…On this specific day…In this exact place…During this particular season of your life… God knows, God remembers, God ordains, and God orchestrates the milliseconds of your moments.
And God is working, building, preparing, and making the way for His answer to your immediate prayers, and to your lifelong ones. He is stetting the stage for Jesus, who will Glorify Himself and bless you and those around you through the work He is doing this very moment… Even if it seems like a lot of silence to you…
May the Lord bless you and strengthen you in your times of “silence”, my friends. Because one of these days, the curtain will rise… the silence will be broken… and you and I will have some awesomely true stories to tell of all of God’s works. He will be honored by us and honored through our testimonies.
Hang in, and hang on… God is working behind the scenes of silence!
“But it is good for me to draw near to God; I have put my trust in the Lord God and made Him my refuge, that I may tell of all Your works.” Psalm 73:28

E-book Keeping Christ AS Christmas: Preparing hearts, households, and homes for PEACE this Christmas season. Click here for more details, and “like”the Keeping Christ AS Christmas facebook page to share YOUR ideas on keeping Jesus as the Center of the Christmas season.