Hi there. I have a question for you. Have you ever had so many thoughts going on at the same time your heart and mind – things and Truths God is doing and saying that it feels like when you are trying to put them into words they look and sound like the below?
alskdf;oivawneklerndfjankdvpalke a dsfkapew. adfkapwefncvqqwelfasdf. adfkawelkr advna;lkegmmer.d,gjwlektnlgs.e,rtnkdf.,rm;lkf/z.,mvs.r.,dmf;lwjkrt3ojglsdmfg/sd.f,m.dfgkfgelwrkjtv r dgnjktgnw;lekrng;zdfmgv ;lrskts ;sfgnvsprljyws/ vfgk;dfgmd;lkfmg ertyj vsd;lktv ;gvfl/g lkrdj wfslktg psrfjkltgypsldrgsflkrgt ‘g/tjkyg ;ltjkv /d;ljgvhertlymb verjtvh[sejv… and I could go on and on!!!
Yet… somehow deep down inside, the jumble makes sense. Has this ever happened to you?
Slowly but surely, the Lord is beginning to help me articulate the jumble and I want to share the journey with you. Because somehow, I know that I’m not the only one on this road. As we watch our “world as we’ve always known it” change, we’ve got to be ready to adapt to the “new normals” God is allowing/ bringing our ways. As His Light-reflecters, and Image-bearers, and Good-news-carriers in this ever-darkening world, what is that looking like? It’s different than it was even 5 years ago. So the way we live and serve must also be somewhat different. a;ldfjaf gsbojt qoirhlkdfuqpot;alkdf. Got that?
Monday and Tuesday a group from our church joined with 13,000 others in Nashville at the Send Conference 2015. I went, not really knowing exactly what it was, and left with some of my scrambled words making great sense. It was life-impacting-and-mindset-altering for me, and I PRAISE JESUS for sending me to this conference! On their front webpage it says “The heart of this gathering is to see a movement of people from within the Church living out the mission of God in their everyday lives.” Of course all of us would immediately agree that this is what we should be doing, but ever since I got back from my oversees trip last year and watched our undercover brothers and sisters living “normal” lives this way, I began to be convicted of why we don’t live that way over here… with that same drive and passion and calling… why I don’t live that way with that same drive, passion and calling… alkdfnawklen a;kdfawkelcnlkjfa;kdfhcelhkc pa…
You can check out a brief summary of the main sessions here, but the breakouts, the prayer times, the music, everything… EVERYTHING was used by the Holy Spirit to sort through some of the jumble going on in me, bringing into clearer focus God’s present calling on my current stage of life.
I’ll share more as it is unscrambled, but for now, I want to share today’s takeaway with you. I’ve been pondering on it and processing it all morning. And when you read this, you need to know that as I write this, I really mean it. I’m ready to believe it for my children and the career choices God leads them to make, and for the ones God leads their future spouses to make. I want life to be comfortable for them… but in this world we are living in, I don’t think it really will be anyway..a;lvkjs;lkvns ;earth ;alcdnsvierthwicf ;skhjpwernc ;kjdhfa;weasfcadfh;…
So here is my today’s takeaway:
In the Kingdom of God
{Which is from now on to be my
frame of reference for the world in which I live}
JOB STATUS DOESN’T EXIST.God has given each of us
that are unique to us –
Steward them well
as we Serve Jesus Christ
and Influence the world around us.My “JOB” is to remain humble, available, obedient, and praying
while I steward well the present place God has me –
with confidence in NOTHING BUT GOD AND HIS KINGDOM.“Living faithfully is a large enough task for today.”
Mathew 6:34 (VOICE)
Does this resonate with anyone else? Anyone else’ jumble making a little more sense right now? If so, GREAT! Then maybe you can help translate this for me. It’s been bugging me all week! a;lksdzjc s;lkdf strive ldkfgpnsoercksfdjglskjgsfaksdjfakjfclkdjf
Haha! 🙂