This wonderful recipe has become a favorite of several of our friends. I promised I would repost soon – so here it is. 🙂
I rarely brag on anything I make, but this white chicken chili was absolutely delish and I can’t wait to make it again! The original recipe came from a recipe blog I adore called Plain Chicken. The recipes on this blog are the kind that I make – simple, easy, quick, and delicious! When I decided to make the chili, of course, I didn’t have all of the ingredients. So, I improvised, and actually liked the changes. I also needed to make much more than the original recipe made so I trippled some ingredients and tweaked some others. Below is the result that has now been rated as one of our new family favorites! I hope you enjoy it just as much as we do.
***In the past, no matter how much I stir, we still end up with little lumps of cream cheese. I don’t mind – since I heart cream cheese – but I want to find a solution to this. One thing I am going to do differently this time is to melt the cream cheese with a little of the liquid that goes into the crock pot. I’ll mix it with the liquid and microwave it until I can stir it into the chili. I’ll let you know if it works. ;0)
Easy enough??? That, plus how delicious it is is why this crock pot white chicken chili is a new Walker fav!