This past Friday night, my mom and I were in a wreck. One moment we were leaving Sonic with the anticipation of eating those wonderful hot onion rings, and the next moment we were eating glass. It happened so quickly. There was a huge bang, glass went everywhere, and the next thing I knew, a man was leaning up against my broken out window. His motorcycle shield had flown through our car and landed on the passenger side at my mom’s feet. Amazingly, we – including the motorcycle driver – were OK!
Those who saw our van couldn’t believe that we weren’t hurt. Especially when realizing that the motorcycle shield came between me and the steering wheel, flew toward Mom, and landed UNNOTICED at her feet. It was propped up against her legs, and took us a while to realize what it was. Neither one of us saw it fly through the car.
We know that the Lord and His angels protected us that night. There is no other explanation for how that shield came through our car in such a way that neither of us felt it. We were in the presence of the Lord with the Hand of the Lord over us. Looking back – that was an incredible experience!
One thing the enemy wanted me to do was to question: “Why would God let that happen to you? You don’t have a job, your money is running out, and now your van is wrecked. Why would He do that to you? He could have stopped that. Why didn’t He?”
But we were SO grateful that we weren’t hurt – that our lives and our family’s lives didn’t change forever in that moment, all we have been able to do and to say is, “Thank you, God!” and offer Him PRAISE rather than questions.
Things happen – difficult things happen to everyone – even to those who already seem to be in a somewhat difficult position. But because we were already in a “somewhat difficult position”, we were in the correct position to gain victory over the enemy’s lies. Had the Lord not caused us to need to stay VERY CLOSE to Him lately, and to ground ourselves in His Word, we might have doubted His love and care over us – and the enemy would have won that little battle.
We PRAISE GOD that we have needed Him so much lately because we have seen His great faithfulness in ALL things – and we KNOW He is taking care of us – even through a wreck. How could we dare question His care over us because of this wreck?
On Saturday morning, I was processing all of this with the Lord, and thinking of how much I cried last week (particularly a lot), and He highlighted for me a Scripture from my Sunday School lesson. This beautiful scripture was an instruction for me to tell myself from this point forward, and God proved it to be true during our wreck:
“Return to your rest, O my soul, for The Lord has dealt bountifully with you.” Psalm 116:7
Yes He has…. Yes He has.
Every day we have much for which to be thankful – but my heart is especially grateful this Thanksgiving because our lives remained the same. The Lord has dealt boutnifully with me, and my soul is at rest.
To you, my friends, I echo Psalm 116:7 – because it is true for you, too. “Return to your rest… for the Lord has dealt boutnifully with you.”
Happy Thanksgiving~ With much love to you, and with much gratitude for each of you….
(This was some of the glass left in the car – much of it had already been removed from the seats – and our clothes!)
Praise God for your safety (and like you said, insurance!) Keep being an inspiration, Jennifer.
Definitely much to be thankful for…wow! Praise God for keeping you safe. No doubt you were extra thankful this year. = )
Oh my, so much to be thankful for! I wanted to say Happy TG ( a bit late!) Hugs!
WOW How scary that must have been….and you know it is soo true. The Lord protected you and kept you safe and unharmed and you are alive today to thank Him and praise Him and to go about your lives. When you think how your lives could have changed forever more in that single moment and how many peoples have, it makes you soo grateful. One of my daughter's friends from high school was killed this Oct. in a car accident. She was 23 and newly married. My heart is still hurting for them soo much. How sure I am they would trade everything they have (they are quite well to do) and gladly live in a tent somewhere with nothing at all just to have her back. It is soo sad. Soo many people hurting this season. I am soo glad you are all alright. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Debbie
Praise God! What a testimony especially for Thanksgiving! God is really using you for His kingdom! So thankful you all are well! God Bless! Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanking the Lord you were both okay!!! So frightening and yet knowing that the Lord was present right there with you gives me goosebumps!
Happy Thanksgiving sweet Jennifer!
Wow! Angels are so awesome! So many people get mixed up – it's the devil that comes to steal, kill, and destroy – it's ALIVE FAITH that shields us – not couch potato faith – but ALIVE FAITH! Praise God for your ALIVE FAITH! A lot of us women are in difficult times right now – we all need friends to tag-team lift us up when we're down! I'll be praying for you, lifting you up during a tough time!
Thanks for sharing your story of Blessing and Miracles!
I am thanking the LORD right now for his protection over you all. God is so good! I'm so glad you and your mom, and the motorcyclist were all physically unharmed. I know you'll have a very blessed Thanksgiving!
Gwyn Rosser @ The Pink Tractor
Oh my…I admire your view on things.
sandy toe
WOW! How scary! But isn't it cool to see how AWESOME God is! Glad that you all are safe.