Updated Thursday am: I’m feeling so much better! Thank you to those of you who said a prayer for me. I’m so thankful for all of my friends!
Hi friends~
Normally I’m nowhere near a computer at this time on Wednesday mornings. (I teach a Community Bible Study class that meets each Wednesday.) But late last night I caught a stomach virus…:-( so… here I am.
I’ve been daily working on letting the Truth of Col. 3:12-17 sink in my heart and mind, and I’m praying for each of you who said you’d join me in this (see comments). I was going to post the following thoughts tomorrow – but since I’m home today, here they are (hope they make sense!):
On Monday, as I was learning the first part of Col. 3:12-17, the thought struck me that “Clothing yourself” in the manner described in this passage is a personal choice – and something no one else can do for us. We can pray to be and act and react this way, and God will help us by prompting and reminding us, and always offering a way of escape for us when we’re tempted not to react in this manner (1 Cor. 10:13). However, He will not make the final choice for us about our actions. Only we can do that.
As I processed this truth, here are a few additional thoughts on Colossians 3, verse 12. (Amplified)
12) Clothe yourselves This is a choice and an action. No one can choose it or do it for us.
therefore, When we see the word “therefore”, we need to look back and see what it is “there for”. This “therefore” refers back to the truths expressed earlier in Colossians 3: “Since you have been raised with Christ”– Col. 3:1, and “and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator.” – Col. 3:10.
Since we are new creatures in Christ, we are to clothe ourselves therefore as God’s own chosen ones (His own picked representatives), [who are] purified and holy and well-beloved [by God Himself,
We have the capacity to clothe ourselves in the ways lined out in the next few verses because:
1) we belong to Him… He has hand picked us. We are His and not our own,
2) He loves us so much, and
3) He purifies us, making us holy and able!
Knowing that He has chosen us, and that in Him is where our true identity lies, we are then freed from self protection and self promotion. Being freed from these needs frees us from the drive to be self-focused. And when the self-focus is gone, we will find it easier to act and react in the ways that please the Lord.
Once we’re freed from “self”, we are free to be the way the rest of the passage lays out for us: tenderhearted, merciful, a kind feeling toward others, a lowly opinion of ourselves, gentle ways, tireless patience, forbearing with one another, readily pardoning each other, forgiving, peace filled and peace rulled, thankful, wise, and in everything we do, doing it all in the name of the Lord Jesus and in [dependence upon] His Person, giving praise to God the Father through Him.(See all of Col. 3:12-17)
Living this way takes making daily, hourly, and minute-ly choices. But we can do it! The secret to our actions and reactions lies in verse 12.
Will you and I choose to “Clothe (our)selves, therefore, as God’s chosen ones (His own handpicked representatives) who are purified and holy and well-beloved by God Himself”? If so, we’ll see incredible results this holiday season!
PS: While we’re clothing ourselves in God, He will clothe us, if we ask Him. Here is one of my favorite truths about how God will physically clothe us, if we’ll let Him.
PSS: I’m now going to go clothe myself with my blanket and hope to feel better soon! 🙂