Do you “Spring Clean” your house? I remember my mom doing this each spring and fall. {For the record, I always dreaded it!} We’d have to help her pull out and clean around every piece of furniture, all the baseboards, air out rugs and curtains, wash the windows, deep dust everything that sits around, and clean out our closets and drawers. As a teenager, it was a drag. But after it was done, our entire family always enjoyed the results.
I’m grateful for a mom who took such good care of us and our home, and set this wonderful example for us. Thanks, Mom! Unfortunately, and probably to my mom’s chagrin, even though the example was set, I’m not much of a spring-cleaner. I clean more the FlyLady way. But whenever I do get the family involved in getting our home in tip top shape, we all enjoy the results. In fact, we did a little bit of this last week & it feels so good to live in “clean.”
What we occasionally need to do with our homes, we also need to do with our hearts. It’s good to take an inventory every once in a while and go through a deep cleansing process, pulling out the furniture, cleaning the baseboards, and wiping all of those hidden cobwebs out of the corners and ceilings of our hearts – the place where Jesus dwells in us. It feels so good to live in “clean.”
This week, I’m posting a Spring Cleaning Checklist for the heart. I’ve based it on Proverbs 31, and divided it into 3 portions. No condemnation here! Just a modern look at this example set before us, and a few questions to help us think and pray it through.
Lets face it… We all want to be like this amazing woman… yet her standards are so high, and many of her activities are so foreign to our modern lives, we tend to think that being like her is almost unattainable. It’s not, though. Living as a modern Proverbs 31 woman is definitely attainable. I personally haven’t attained it yet, but I’m pressing toward that goal, with The Lord’s help. 😉
With each choice we make, if we will choose to obey God’s Word and God’s voice, we can be like this woman! He will help us.
To see areas where we are resembling this remarkable example, and areas where we need a little improvement, below is a check-up. I’ve divided my list into three segments: Spiritual life, Home life, and Work life. Take the Spiritual Life check up today, and come back in the next few days for the other two.
*Remember: Let yourself be convicted, if necessary. But don’t let the enemy condemn you! Pray through this and ask the Holy Spirit to help you choose an area or two to work on improving, and celebrate the grace God will give you to change. Then, you and those around you will enjoy the fresh benefits of this Heart Spring Cleaning!
PS: I have NO idea WHY some of the verses would not publish in red… so please don’t let it distract you as it has me. 😉
Spiritual Life
Vs. 15- She rises while it is yet night and gets [spiritual] food for her household and assigns her maids their tasks.
Do I arise early enough to:
• meet with Jesus and become Spiritually filled (so that I can start my day “in the Spirit” rather than “in the flesh”?)
• gather my thoughts and plans for the day (so that the day – especially the morning – runs smoothly)
OR do I stumble out of bed and into my morning focusing only on myself?
Vs. 18a – she tastes and sees that her gain from work [with and for God] is good;
Can I say that what God has done in and through me is “good”?
OR am I having a hard time with bitterness over my circumstances?
18b- Her lamp goes not out, but it burns on continually through the night [of trouble, privation, or sorrow, warning away fear, doubt, and distrust].
When going through a difficult time do I allow God to continue to work through me and use me to shine for His glory?
OR do I quickly withdraw from God and others into a self-destructive mode?
22b- Her clothing is of linen, pure and fine, and of purple [such as that of which the clothing of the priests and the hallowed cloths of the temple were made].
Am I clothed:
• In The Garment of Salvation – Have I given my life to Jesus?
• In Robes of Righteousness – Do I daily confess my sins and allow Jesus to cleanse me and cover me with His righteousness?
• In Fine White Linen –which signifies “the righteousness (the upright, just, and godly living, deeds, and conduct, and right standing with God) of the saints (God’s holy people).” (Rev. 19:8)
• In Modesty – Do I dress in a way that brings God glory and not myself?
OR Am I spiritually and physically underdressed?
Vs. 25a- Strength and dignity are her clothing and her position is strong and secure;
Do I possess:
• The strength and security that comes from who I am in Jesus?
• The dignity of a refined and forgiven daughter of the King?
OR do I constantly wonder if I am loved or forgiven?
Vs. 30- Charm and grace are deceptive, and beauty is vain [because it is not lasting], but a woman who reverently and worshipfully fears the Lord, she shall be praised!
Do I
• Love Jesus more than I love “looking good?”
• Seek to be beautiful in God’s eyes?
• Let God help me be beautiful in the eyes of those I love?
OR do I
• Spend more time and effort on my looks than on my relationship with Jesus?
• Seek to be attractive to the world?
• Try to impress others with my beauty?
Just some things to ponder with the Lord… I’m pondering too… and praying for all of us as we Spring Clean a bit of our hearts.
(More to come.)