"O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good: for His mercy & loving-kindness endure forever." Ps118:29 Have a great Wednesday everyone. 🙂
About SmellingCoffee
I'm a Jesus-loving, husband-loving, family-loving minister's wife, empty-nesting mom & new grandma {Coco} making our home and serving our Lord in North Mississippi. I study, teach, speak, and write for the greatest Boss in the universe. "Faith, Family, Food, Fun, and Living Life brewed in the fragrance of the knowledge of Jesus Christ in every place": That's what you'll find at SmellingCoffee.com
Amen! What a wonderful verse to ponder at the beginning our our day! Still praying for your family. Blessings to you this day…
I have been praying for you guys as well! It is so hard in the valley….but nothing much grows on the mountain top!!! I say that hesitantly because we are seeing many saved and all my family doing amazing things during this hard time…can you be on the mountain and the valley at the same time????
Well said! Simple and to the point. How thankful I am for an enduring Savior.
Blessings and peace~elaine
Jennifer, thanks for that Scripture. I'm filling my mind with the Word even before I'm sipping my first cup of java this morning. Love it and you.