Hi friends~ Today is my 41st birthday, and I have a gift for you. [And, since it’s Tuesday, I also have the recipe for my favorite Birthday Treat… “Snickers Ice Cream Pie”. :-)]
I’m just so thankful to the Lord for the life He has given me. Truly, I never thought I would be living in a 41 year old healthy and strong body. (If you don’t know my testimony and the incredible miracle God has done in my life, you might want to check out this link. I continue to be amazed and humbled that God would heal me as He did! Praise His Holy Name!!!)
So, here is a birthday gift to you:
The bracelet has Psalm 46:10 “Be still and know that I am God” on it, and is a wonderful reminder and instruction of what we need to do~ no matter what situation we find ourselves facing. I wear mine often – especially on those days when I desperately need to obey this Truth.
It’s my joy to give away TWO of these bracelets. All you have to do is leave a comment and tell all of us something YOU thankful for, and tell me if you “follow” this blog. ‘Cause if you “follow” this blog and leave a comment, your name will be entered twice. 🙂
I’ll leave this post up and comments open until Friday, and will announce the winners on Saturday. In the mean time, I can’t wait to get back around to your blogs and to catch up with YOU. I plan on doing just that while I’m eating this… yummmmmm!
Snickers Ice Cream Pie
from my dear friend Stephanie’s wonderful collections of recipes
2 c. Oreo cookie crumbs (about 20 cookies, crushed)
1/2 dry-roasted peanuts, coarsely chopped
1/4 c. butter or margarine, melted
6 (2.07 oz.) Snickers bars
1 1/2 quarts vanilla ice cream, slightly softened
1 jar caramel sauce
1 jar hot fudge sauce
Combine first 3 ingredients; press into bottom and up sides of a 9″ deep dish pie plate. Bake at 350 for 10 minutes; set aside to cool completely.
Chop candy bars into small pieces, reserving 2 Tbs. fold remaining candy along with 1/2 jar caramel and 1/2 jar hot fudge into ice cream. Spread evenly into crust.
Drizzle with 2 Tbs. caramel and 2 Tbs. hot fudge on top. sprinkle with reserved Snickers.
Freeze until firm. Cover and return to freezer. Remove from freezer 20 minutes before serving.
One more thing: I just can’t let this birthday come and go without relishing in some of the memories of last year’s 40th celebration. It was more than I had ever dreamed of. (Thank you Jesus, James, Stephanie, Amy, and all of my precious friends for making it so special!) I’ll probably be reading the recap, and looking at the pictures often today.
Thanks for celebrating with me! Have a wonderful week, my friends. I’ll see you around the blogosphere while having a mouth full of Snickers Pie! 🙂
PSS: For more delicious and creative recipe ideas, hop on over to Tasty Tuesday (Balancing Beauty and Bedlam) and Tempt My Tummy Tuesday (Blessed with Grace).
Happy Birthday! I love the bracelet! And that sounds like an awesome birthday dessert!
Hello and Happy Birthday…..I just turned 51….can't believe it! Anyway, the pie sounds divine and I love the bracelet. Thanks so much for your gift to others on your special day!
Happy Birthday to you!! thinking of you! How fun! You're having such a very cool Giveaway! I am thankful for my family. Today is the date that our Grandmother died two years ago, and tomorrow is the day my Daddy died years ago so I am all the more thankful for my precious family and each moment we have!
Am a Follower too! 😉 Followers, friend, fan, etc. ! God Bless!
Happy Birthday!
I am thankful that I just "stumbled" upon your blog tonight. It never ceases to amaze me how He speaks to us sometimes. My daughter has been going through medical issues since she was ten months old. She is now three. We are not quite sure what is going on with her and it has been a long, frustrating and frightening journey. Today was more frustration and I have been in a "funk" all afternoon. I found your blog by hopping around tonight and I linked to your amazing story of healing!!!! Oh how God does work in mysterious ways! I read the entire story and am in tears, found myself taking notes, looking up scripture, and finding a new sense of calm and understanding. You will never know what a difference that post has made for me. Thank You for sharing your story. Have a wonderful and Blessed birthday!!!
Hi Jennifer –
I hope you had an incredible birthday! I tried several times to add a message on your blog & I am still not getting past.
I hope I can enter your contest this way. I do read your blog every day, because you always lift my spirit. I am also thankful for my health today. I'm amazed how much worse this disease could be. And I don't have normal days anymore.But I do have His sweet peace everyday.I have prayed for His healing. I am now believing . So I am thankful for his healing that has already taken place.So, today I am grateful & know my Healer is at work! Praise you Lord!
Angie Elkins
I am, of course, extremely thankful for you, dear friend! I am sitting here with tears as I read how God is continuing to use your words in the lives of so many people…Wow!
Happiest Birthday wishes!! I hope your day was really special! Name just one thing to be thankful for….since you caught me this week, I'd have to say the visit from my sweet granddaughter and her family – her first time to our house…I've waited 14 months for this week! I am so enjoying the joy and laughter she brings to our home! Grandchildren are everything – and more – that you hear everyone talk about!!
I really like those bracelets – how nice to give away the presents on your special day! I am follower – certainly wouldn't want to miss any of your yummy, yummy recipes!!
Thanks for your blog 🙂
Happy Birthday! What an amazing testimony He's given you!
That's one of my favorite verses and reminder to be still and rest in Him!
Happy belated birthday, as I am reading this on the 19th!
What a powerful testimony!! Thanks for sharing!
Many blessings!
Happy Birthday! Thanks for sharing your delicious recipe with us. Have a great day! 🙂
I am thankful that God has always been faithful, even in my doubting, fretting, fear and anxiety and even my unfaithfulness, He has been faithful to me. And He keeps on amazing me. I am blessed beyond what I deserve and owe all to Him. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday and blessed year! Jackie
Hope you had a blessed birthday. I'm thankful for the family that God placed me in. I was a adopted at the age of two and was raise by loving parents.
My mom taught me to love Jesus with all of my heart, however it took some years before I was willing to surrender my life completely.
I enjoyed my visit and am following you…that sounds kinda weird 🙂
In His Grace,
Stopped by from Ladies on a Mission
Happy Birthday! Thank you for your anonymous encouragement to me in the past & for being so open and honest thru this forum! I am thankful for many things, including the highs and lows God is taking me through right now (Malachi 3:3 I think….refined in the fire!) as well as the promise of provision He has given us.
I subscribe to the google reader rss feed!
Happy Birthday!!! I hope you had a great day! I am very thankful for my family and the job I was given. I prayed and prayed for this job and once I surrendered all my fears and worries to Him, the perfect place for me was given. So I am also SOOOOOO thankful for my Lord who without Him I couldn't be thankful for anything else.
Heather Baker
Happy Happy birthday! Praising God with you for 41 years! I just celebrated 45! What I am thankful for is the peace I have felt in some trying situations lately! Love God's peace! Be Still and know that I am God is a special verse for me. We use it in our Children's worship. We actually sing it. Last but not least I do follow your blog.
Happy Birthday Jennifer! The more I get to know you …the more I get to love about you. You have a thankful heart!
In the midst of challenges, I am so thankful for bloggy friendships. I had the pleasure of meeting two more blogging friends yesterday. How fun our time together was! We had much to talk about since we knew each other from our blogs.
So enjoy your day and may the Lord bless you!
Happy Birthday Beautiful! May the blessings of the LORD rest upon you over and over again and your precious family. I pray the day has been everything that GOD has for you.
I love the bracelet!!! It's so beautiful. How generous of you! I already follow your blog as you know.
I love you dearly and I am thankful for EVERYTHING BEGINNING with the LORD and my husband, children and grandchildren but right now I want to tell you that I'm thankful for you. I'm thankful that GOD sent you with a willing hear to pray for our adult daughter with us and to press in as you do. I'm thankful TO GOD and I'm thankful you are a willing vessel for Him to flow through.
I love you.
Thanks for the opportunity to win the bracelet. How nice to share your birthday with us!! AND, goody for me, I already follow you!!
BTW, this recipe is awesome!!!! Thanks for linking to TMTT.
Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday friend. 41 and looking great! "Be still and know that He IS A GREAT GOD THAT HAS GREAT PLANS AND PURPOSES FOR YOUR LIFE AS WELL AS MINE! Blessings to you and your home. I love you!
Hi Jennifer,
I've been foloowing your blog now for a couple weeks, and I have to say that I am ever so thnkful for your posts. I'm going through a time of "what is my purpose right now" and reading your blog gives me the strength to listen, and be patient. Thank you!!!
Hey Friend~
Second, Yes, I follow your blog and I LOVE it!!!
Third, today, I'm thankful that God has SO blessed and honored our precious Ash…with the amazing young man he's brought into her life! And, the cherry on top…was an invitiation we received from this sweet young man…to meet with my husband and I to gain our permission…to court our Ash!! Awh..so sweet!!! (you can read about that…at my blog!!)
Blessings sweet friend.
Happy Birthday! What a wonderful day-it is my husband's birthday too!
I am thankful for my husband-he is wonderful man and dad.
I follow you also!
Happy Birthday Jennifer.
I'm thankful for my wonderful relationship with Our Lord. I'm also thankful for friends like you.
I am a follower.
Nancy in NC
Happy Happy Birthday! (My sons sang it to me cowboy style over a week ago–LOL). What a beautiful post! I am thankful that God has a buyer for my house! That my boys will get encouragers as teachers at their new school, in a new town,and in a new state! I am thankful that God knows what's going on so I don't have to worry or fear! I am thankful for my wonderful husband and each son! I am thankful for encouraging Godly women like you who write what God puts in your heart to encourage me!
Blessings and joy for your new year!
Happy Birthday Jennifer!! What a testimony you have!! And what a blessing you were to me this morning as I read some of your posts!! So glad I found you over at Lisa's blog!! TMTT!! This recipe sounds amazing!! I am now a follower and I am adding you on my blog roll, I hope that is ok, and I am so very thankful for my salvation for one and also for the many blessings God has given me , and undeserving sinner deserving only hell!! Have a wonderful birthday!! see you soon!
Happy Birthday Precious lady! I am new to blogland but I know I must read your every post.. It seems that each one speaks to a need I have at that time. I too am thankful for my God and my salvation.. The verse on your bracelet is one of my most favorites and helpful to me.. I almost lost my oldest son in 2004. He lived [has some brain injury] but he is here and we praise the Lord for this..
Too many blessings to count…..a new son-in-law…a fun loving creative daughter using her Grammy's cookie recipe to start a cookie business….a son with a passion for missions….a loving Godly husband…an amazing church family….good friends….health….a new air conditioning system (provided by God thru his lightening)…a good flexible job…….God's new mercies every morning. Also thankful for you Jennifer and your giftedness for writing, speaking and teaching. (I still use my prayer journal and think of you remembering the hours spent typing your notebook).
Happy Birthday to such a precious lady! I absolutely love reading your blog! You are a true inspiration. To "be still" is not always easy but then to know He is God is incredible! I am so thankful and continually amazed at all the things the Lord has done for us. Looking back on all the challenges we've faced and how He has ALWAYS been there and brought us through. I have the most incredible husband and thank God every day that I get to be married to him (for 32 years now!). I am looking forward to the next adventure the Lord has planned for each of us. (I know, we have to be still and listen…but it will be exciting when we do get to know exactly what that is!) I am glad that we serve the God that can "do exceedingly, abundantly above all we could ask or think!"
I follow your blog and I'm thankful that my dd didn't get the stomach bug that's been going around our area as bad as everyone else has. She managed to sleep thru the worst of it last night and is now back to being herself again. Still praying that the rest of us can be spared! 🙂
Happy, happy birthday !! I am thankful because today is my 37th wedding anniversary. We have such an amazing marriage and we just keep on getting stronger every passing year. BUT, it wasn't always great! We tell people to just hang in there — the first 20 years is the hardest 🙂 We are so very aware that it is by the LORD's hand in our lives that we are where we are today. Praise Him! I'm praying for you to have a beautiful, wonderful blessed day and year. I've "followed" you for a long time, but just never became a follower til now.
Gwyn Rosser @ The Pink Tractor
Happy Birthday to You! You have been on my blogroll for months but I guess I never officially became a "follower." I am now though.
I am thankful for my husband who loves me all the time. He is patient with me when I am overly stressed. He knows me. He gets me.
Happy birthday to you! I am a follower, and I am thankful that God is in control and that He has plans for my life and yours to give us a future and a hope.
What a pretty bracelet and they pie sounds divine!
sandy toe
Too many things to be thankful for but of course I'm thankful for my gift of salvation and for God's grace, mercy and forgiveness each and every day. For both my children but after trying for over 8 years and being told there was no hope God gave us our miracle baby who will soon be 5.
I am a follower of the King of Kings and a much lesser follower of your blog ;).
Happy Birthday Jennifer!!! What an awesome testimony. Being a newer reader to your blog, I had no idea. What an encouragement to read this morning!
Thank you for that yummy recipe…can't wait to try that. That bracelet is adorable! I can't tell you how many times the Lord been put that passage before me these days. "Be still and know that I am God." Such a calming thought when outward circumstances (like job losses) = ) threaten our calm.
Among the many things I'm thankful for (I could go on all day) — my salvation, God's presence and the peace it gives, a husband and son who love the Lord and who cherish me, the confidence in God's provision for our needs (he's proven himself faithful over and over). I am a blessed woman!
Thank you for sharing your birthday with us! Enjoy that pie!!! (because you know, don't you…calories don't count on your birthday!)
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will catch up to you in November!!!