Hi there. I had just a few moments and wanted to hop on here and share a few of my favorite finds lately.
1. I’m entering a season of soaking in and one of my favorite teachers to listen to while I’m getting ready in the morning is Nancy Leigh DeMoss through ReviveOurHearts.com. She is such a gentle teacher – strength under the Lord’s control – and I look forward to looking through her radio archives and sitting at her feet each morning.
Nancy has been teaching on the radio since 2001 and ALL of those series are available for us to soak in – as a gift and ministry! Click this link and you’ll see the programs by year. Click this link, and you’ll find a list of her programs by series. And click this link and you’ll find a list of her programs by topic. This website is a wealth of wisdom and a gift for anyone who longs to soak in what God has to say through a woman who has dedicated her life to serving Him by encouraging and teaching others. It’s a favorite find!
2. This article on a blog I receive via email – Can I just say… PTL!? (It’s probably not what you think, though…) It’s called “Clutter Busters: 6 Emotions Chaining You to Clutter and How to Break Free.” Seriously… I really needed this, and if you tend to keep and/or hoard “just in case you might need it one day” or “because _____ gave it to me, and now they are gone…” – You really need to read this! I’m thrilled to report that I’m learning how to emotionally break free from the bind I have with clutter! And I couldn’t help but to pass along a good thing – just in case I’m not the only one who needs it. 😉
3. Have I shared this before? This video on Highlighting and Contouring by beauty blogger Maskcara? My nose has never been thinner nor my cheekbones more defined! However, I use Mary Kay products instead of what Maskcara recommends… because 1) I love Mary Kay skin care and make up and have been wearing it since 1995. and 2) My sweet and pretty sister, Rebecca, is working on becoming a National Sales Director with Mary Kay – and I wanted to give her site a plug too! (You can order at her website and she will gladly ship to you.) 😉
4. It’s Football Friday! And a bittersweet one… The “last” Spring Training High School football for our family. Yes… our “little boy” will be a senior and this is the first of all of those “lasts” that will be stored up in my mother-heart this year. So… Go Big Nate and CHS Wildcats! (Ug! my eyes are already tearing up!!!)

5. Isn’t this so true? Just found these this pics this morning!
6. I came in yesterday and found the man that I love pouring over texts to write one of his last papers before his doctoral dissertation! Whoo Hoo!!! I’m so proud of James Walker! He is sure proof that hard work and determination (and of course, obedience to the Lord’s direction and seeking His wisdom) can change the predicted outcome of any student’s life! A child who struggled through school (he doesn’t mind me sharing this – I just asked. wink.), with the help of the Lord, is making straight A’s in his Doctoral program! That is a sure praise to the Lord, and this studying, hard working, Godly man was a favorite find of mine yesterday (and everyday!). 😉
7. Last favorite find of the day:
So very true! When we feel as if we can’t put one foot in front of the other… When weary, or just plain tired… there is one sure way I’ve found to regain inner strength – and that is to absorb myself in the names of the Lord. I especially love all of the “My ___” names found in the Psalms. I can’t help but feel strength and joy infusing me when I’m reminded of all that I have and all that I am because of the merciful and gracious and generous love of the Lord, my Savior, my Daddy, my Friend.
In fact, just the other day, I found a statement in a book by Stormie OMartian that supports this truth. It went something like this: When I’m discouraged, that’s when I need to go to the Lord for encouragement.” En-Couragement! Yes. The Joy of the Lord IS my strength – and yours too!
Have a blessed weekend, my friends. The Lord, Creator of the Heavens and the Earth loves you dearly!