The Lord of hosts–
regard Him as holy
and honor His holy name
[by regarding Him as your only
hope of safety],
and let Him be your fear
and let Him be your dread
[lest you offend Him
by your fear of man
and distrust of Him].
[a sacred and indestructible asylum
trust in Him]; …
Isaiah 8:13-14 (Amplified version)
I LOVE this passage. It is perfect for what God has been teaching me in 2011. Thank you for sharing! I used it in my blog,, and linked it to you. Thanks for opening your life.
Praise the Lord that He is an indestructable sanctuary! And I praise YOU LORD for how often when I come over here it ties to what's going on in my heart.
Secure in YOUR sanctuary! Woo HOO!
Praise His holy name. He is the Creator and Sustainer of the universe; the Alpha and Omega. My Jehovah Jireh, my Provider and Savior. I am so blessed to be His daughter.
Bless His Holy name! Lord God you are awesome wonder and I thank you for just being GOD