Hope… it’s such an over-used word these days that I rarely think about it in its truest context. Do you? I say things like, “I hope it doesn’t rain tomorrow.” Or “I hope this sweater will go on sale soon.” Hope – we often use the word as carelessly as we do the word “Love.”
Hope = to Expect with Confidence (according to Webster)
I never really even thought about it until this morning in my quiet time. My name of Jesus today was “Anchor” – from Hebrews 6:19. I’ve read this verse what seems like a million times. It’s totally marked up in my Amplified Bible. But today, something struck me anew. I had just asked the Lord to open my eyes so that I might behold the wonderful things in His Word (Psalm 119:18) and to send forth His Word so that it would heal today (Psalm 107:20). Then I read these precious words about the Hope that belongs to us… when we belong to Jesus.
“Now we have this hope as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul. It cannot slip and it cannot break down under whoever steps out upon it – a hope that reaches farther and enters into the very certainty of the Presence within the veil, where Jesus has entered for us in advance…” Hebrews 6:19-20, Amp.
The beautiful thing about this verse and this Hope is that it follows Hebrews 6:18, which promises us that it is impossible for God to ever lie to us, prove to be false to us, or to deceive us. The verse goes on to say that those who flee to God for refuge have a strong encouragement and hope that is set before us. That hope, that Hope, is Jesus Christ, Himself.
So, for the ones of us who will flee to Jesus in the midst of what seems like a hopeless season of life…for the ones who are barely staying afloat right now…for the ones who are bruised and battered because of the storm… and for the ones who are standing on the shore, having made it through another storm, but wondering what tomorrow will hold… We have this Hope… This Jesus… as a Sure and Steadfast Anchor of the Soul.
Jesus cannot slip. Jesus cannot break down under whoever steps out upon Him. Jesus is Hope that reaches farther and enters into the very certainty of the Presence of God. (Heb. 6:19) And we can be sure of this – because it is impossible for God to lie or to mislead us. (Heb. 6:18)
So, my friends… what is it that is weighing you down, tossing you around, causing lost sleep and battered faith? Whatever it is – it is way to heavy for you! You weren’t created to carry the weight of the storm, in the storm. But Jesus was. He has complete authority OVER the storms. Sometimes He will calm the storm for us. Sometimes, He knows that the storm will produce within us something that nothing else can, and that one day when we are out of it, standing on the shore, looking back… we will call it “good.” But ALWAYS, Jesus is our ANCHOR IN the storm.
Throw your hope out on Him today. Hope in or upon any other person or thing can not survive. It’s too much to try to manage ourselves. But if we toss our hope onto Jesus – who is our HOPE and the one that ANCHORS us in the midst of the storm… He will bring stability and a sure foundation under your feet… even if you don’t feel like you can stand on your own at this present time.
I know. I’ve done it. He’s done it. I’m on the shore, looking back at some remnants of past storms, smiling and shaking my head in amazement because of the Hope and Anchor I know Jesus to be. I’m also looking ahead, as I go through my prayer journal today, praying over what seems like some humanly impossible situations, and I’m choosing to toss out my anchor onto Jesus’ Anchor of Hope. Hope for my children and their futures… Hope for my husband and his… Hope for loved ones… Hope for me… Hope for the world-wide body of Christ… Hope for YOU!!!
PS: I just couldn’t end this post without linking to a song that rings in my head every time I think of the Anchor. Its singer has publically struggled with sin – just as all of us do. Don’t we praise God that our sins don’t negate God’s ability to use what He’s created through us?
The Anchor Holds
by Ray Boltz
The Anchor holds, though the ship is battered.
The Anchor holds, though the sails are torn.
I have fallen on my knees as I’ve faced the raging seas.
The Anchor holds, in spite of the storm.