Hi friends~ I hope each of you had a wonderful and very thanks-filled Thanksgiving! (I’m still giving and listing thanks through the end of the year. It’s not too late to join in… a thankful heart is good medicine for a hectic day! You can read about that here.
For many, it’s now Christmas card time…Have you planned or sent your Christmas cards or letters yet? Our family will not be sending them this year – it was just too much to add to the plate. I have mixed feelings about that, but as my friend Amy says, “it is what it is” this year. 🙂 Hopefully next year…
Speaking of Amy, if you are planning on sending cards and letters this year, I thought you might enjoy a “re-posting” of a Frappuccino Fun with Amy post from several years ago about the CHRISTMAS LETTER.
Blessings to you all…whether you send cards or not! 🙂
The Christmas Letter… A Blessing or A Curse?
By now, I’m sure you have received some Christmas cards, and maybe even a letter or two. Maybe you are in the process of composing a Christmas letter to send. Christmas letters can be a great way to touch base with those you don’t communicate with all year long. But like most things that start out well, a Christmas letter can go “down hill” real fast.
Like me, I’m sure you have received a letter chronicling all of the bad things and hardships that have occurred that year. I call this letter, the “Debbie Downer” letter.
Or, how about the “Betty Bragger” letter that expounds on every high achievement of every person in the entire family – every award, every A+, every trip, and every purchase. All is so perfect for this family, there is NO way it could all be true!
And how about “Super Spiritual Sally”? Now this family goes on mission trips, prays daily together, has a perfect Quiet Time record, serves at the local homeless shelter, and donates all their Christmas money to charity. Don’t get me wrong – all of these activities in and of themselves are wonderful. But the Christmas letter is not the venue to list one’s spiritual accomplishments for the year.
To keep from being “Debbie Downer,” “Betty Bragger,” or “Super Spiritual Sally,” here are some simple guidelines for a great Christmas letter:
1. Keep it short. A two sentence update on each family member is plenty.
2. Be positive. If you have had a hard year, don’t focus on the negatives. Instead, share what God is teaching you in the process.
3. Don’t brag. Be careful not to cross the line between sharing great news and bragging. Enough said.
(Jennifer here: Amy wanted me to show my Christmas card and letter. I ordered these inexpensively from Vista Print. The picture is on one side and the letter is printed on the back.)
A good Christmas letter should be like a sweet conversation with friends. One where, when you finish reading the letter, you feel encouraged and have a huge smile on your face.
Personally, I think that if you must choose between sending a letter or a picture, you should always send the picture. As they say, “A picture is worth a thousand words.”
Happy letter writing. ttfn… Amy
The verdict is still out on this one for me this year. I feel like I send cards out of duty…and that just seems wrong. I did send quite a few Thanksgiving cards and I believe they were a real blessing. I will have to pray about the Christmas cards….
Hope you had a wonderful holiday!
Those are great guidelines! I won't be sending any this year . . . in fact, I haven't since Christmas of 2005, when (gulp) my Christmas cards doubled as my wedding gift thank you cards, which were long overdue. =) I love the family picture on your Christmas card!!
I have been thinking about what I want to do for a Christmas card and perhaps a letter. These are great guidelines.
I love your letters on the back of the photo cards, Jennifer. I am going to look into those for this year.
I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!