Need a little help during the busiest year of the week? Give these Sanity Savers a try:
1. Play Holiday music when you’re at home and in your car. It’s a mood elevator. (And, NO TV!… Stay away from watching TV because it’s a time stealer!)
2. Get sleep and use your time wisely. Run errands as little as possible, and only early in the morning. (WalMart is empty at 7am.) Wrap your gifts this weekend. Don’t wait until Christmas Eve!
3. Do a good deed everyday – it will put you in the best mood! Examples: Give extra to the Salvation Army Bell Ringer; buy a coffee / drink for the person behind you in line or at the drive thru; give unexpected money to someone in need.
4. Be the nicest to your own family! Be as kind to those who live in your house as you are to everyone else.
5. Don’t Panic – Christmas comes and goes every year. No one really remembers the meal or gift. The experiences are what make the memories.
6. Don’t eat junk food all day and wonder why you have a headachce (I’m speaking to myself on that one!). Try to make balanced food choices each day.
7. Let’s hear from you on this one! I combined a few of the ideas in order to leave a space for YOU to share your Sanity Saver idea. So, leave a comment, and help us all save our sanity this Christmas Week. 🙂
Merry Christmas and have a great week! TTFN…