I’ve been “house bound” for the past couple of weeks with what I refer to as an inconvenient physical issue. I’m much better, though, and am happy to be well down the road to recovery. It’s a good thing, because this coming week is the week that our schools start, and life will fall back into that crazy-busy routine. During these past days, I’ve had a lot of time to read, think, study, and pray. Although there were some days of intense physical pain, on a whole, these days of living “under the weather” have been a type of a sabbath to me. I lived them much like I lived 14 years of my life: fully dependent upon the Lord and acutely aware of His presence at every breath. And I am thankful.
Thankful for a minor diagnosis. Thankful for the ability to take a few days away from the norm and spend them in rest. Thankful that my family has pitched in so beautifully, and understood so fully. Thankful for the ones who prayed for and provided for us in some way. Thankful for the awareness of my need of God, and for the awareness of His presence. Thankful.
I think this is one of the ways we can follow the instructions given in Scripture to “count it all joy” and to “in everything give thanks.” In the midst of the pain, the need, the longing, or the wait…we are drawn to seek the Lord. And we are promised in His Word that when we seek Him, we will find the Lord. He is the Joy. And once the trial is over and we’re viewing it from the other side, if we have sought Him, we will be able to genuinely thank Him for WHO He is and WHAT He did for us during the toughest of days.
The Hillsong song, “Made Me Glad” keeps playing through my mind as I type. I remember the first time I heard this worshipful song…
When I am in seasons of needing and seeking the Lord, this song is one of the first I find on my ipod. Hearing it, singing it, and meaning it “makes me glad.” I always feel stronger after singing this to the Lord.
If you’re at a place of exhaustion and need the Lord to step in and make you glad and thankful, offer up to Him this song of worship. It will be music to His ears. Set your face to seek Him through worship, and He will be found by you. Jeremiah 29:11-14
Made Me Glad by Hillsong
I will bless the Lord forever
And I will trust Him at all times
He has delivered me from all fear
And he has set my feet upon a rock
And I will not be moved
And I’ll say of the Lord….
You are my shield
My strength
My portion
My shelter
Strong tower
My very present help in time of need
Whom have I in Heaven but you?
There’s none I desire beside you
You have made me glad
And I’ll say of the Lord….
You are my shield
My strength
My portion
My shelter
Strong tower
My very present help in time of need
You have me glad
And I’ll say of the Lord….
My very present help in time of need
(If you are reading by e-mail, click here for the video.)
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Ann Voskamp had a post this week about the power of praise during hard times. She said:
“It’s what my mother-in-law, a Dutch farmer’s wife and mother of nine, godly and with these big calloused work hands, said to do.
What she told me once hunched over this row of peas we were picking out in a June twilight:
“It’s what my mother said too, Ann: When it is hardest — that is when you sing the loudest. The devil flees at a hymn.””
You can read her whole post here (which btw, contains a beautiful hymn of praise – one I had never before heard. I’m definitely adding it to my playlist).
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A pulling out of the norm for a time, for any reason can do one of two things to us – make us resentful, or make us glad. My friends, when life suddenly changes routines on us, lets choose to let Jesus make us glad… and thankful.
Happy new week to you all~
Hi Friend,
I’m just so so sorry to hear this….. but grateful it sounds as though you are coming through and about to be on the other side. I’m sending you my love and keeping you close in prayer…. Hugs, Kim
Oh thank you, my sweet friend! Hugs and prayers right back to/for you!