March 4th… or better known in my life as “March Forth!”
It seems that each new month of the new year brings an opportunity for a new start. January – it’s those God-given words to guide the upcoming year. Some call them resolutions. I call them revelations. As in The Lord revealing what He has for me to become through my submission to His Love and Power in the next calendar year.
February – it’s the time for Lent. For asking God to refine us. Denying self and the dying of self in order to become more attuned to Him, choosing to love Jesus more than I love my flesh. It’s hard. I start well, then often fail.
But March – March brings with it an early gift on the fourth of the month. A renewed call to pull up our boot straps and stop wallowing in failure or self-pity. A renewed call to each one of us on this day – to March Forth!
To get up and get to it!
To obey the Lord in what He has told us to do or to stop doing.
To trust the Lord when everyone or everything around us screams it’s impossible.
To honor the Lord with what we desire and pursue, how we act and re-act. How we spend and how we share.
March Forth on March fourth is the day to renew our commitment to Jesus – to willingly and joyfully roll our New Year’s resolutions / revolutions and our Lenten devotion all into one day and to press on. Not with a “poor me” kind of attitude, but with a joyful-authoritative-standing upright- emPowered by the Lord- kind of pressing on.
Marching Forth on March fourth. We can do it! In God’s Strength!
“Your God has commanded your strength
[your might in His service
and impenetrable hardness to temptation];
O God, display Your might
and strengthen what You have wrought for us!…
The God of Israel Himself
gives strength and fullness of might
to His people.
Blessed be God!”
Psalm 68:28 & 35