I don’t know about your area of the country, but around here, Spring has finally sprung! And I’ve got fever…Spring Fever, that is… the kind of Spring Fever that makes you want to paint your {toe-nails} and pull out your cApRi’S. And that’s just what I’ll be doing in the next few days.
I find it both fun and frustrating when making that fashion change over from the winter to spring/summer clothing. For one thing, the weather this time of year is still finicky. With the way it’s been lately, it could be warm today and snowing tomorrow.
And then there’s the yearly nagging question: “Will I be able to fit into my clothes from last year?” along with the dread that the answer might be “no.” (Ugg! I think I’ll be getting some “no” answers this time.)
In the scope of reality, this isn’t a big deal. But it is something I’m dealing with. And since I bet some of you are dealing with it too, I want to share how the Lord helps dress me and my family in a way that is honoring to Him, beautiful on us, and current with the trends… all without obsessing over it or spending much money.
I truly believe that whatever is on our minds, we need to invite the Lord to be a part of it, and let Him help guide us as we mentally process whatever it is. Then, the responsibility and glory for whatever we accomplish can rest on Him, and be off of our minds! It works with big things, AND with little things like “What should I wear?”.
Here is how God has helped me Stay Current (and dress like the lilies)
1. I look through fashion magazines in waiting rooms, the library, or wherever I find them, and try to get a feel for the common denominators in the clothing and accessories trends.
2. I check the internet fashion websites to see what was on the runway for the season. Here are a few sites that highlight some 2010 Spring trends. DIY Fashion 2010 Trends, Vogue Accessories Guide
3. Realizing that what is in the magazines and on the runways is not what will look “normal” in my middle-class-suburban-stay-at-home-wife-mom-Bible-teacher-life, I classify the trends in categories of clothing I would actually wear.
While I’m doing this, I’m doing it with the Lord, often talking through these things out-loud to Him, as if He’s sitting with me (which actually… He is right there with me).
4. Then WE (He and I) go through my clothes for the new season. He totally does this with me. We pull out the clothes and I try them on. We rejoice when they fit, and He comforts me when they don’t. 😉
5. Remembering the trend categories, I’ll pray for wisdom to make “new” outfits out of old clothes. I don’t audibly hear this, but the Lord will put ideas in my mind, and I’ll try them on, with shoes and accessories. I write down the pieces that put together each new look.
6. Usually, I’ll “need” a few pieces to update my wardrobe from the previous year. I’ll write down what I need in my prayer journal on a page called “Requests and Wish Lists”. Then I let it go. I give it to the Lord, and ask Him to provide those pieces of clothing / shoes / accessories IF He will be glorified through them.
Sometimes I feel led to write a price beside the item. It’s so much fun to see the Lord provide in such specific ways. Sometimes He’ll provide what I’ve asked for, and sometimes He doesn’t. When He doesn’t provide, I find that I really didn’t need it anyway.
7. I don’t go out and spend lots of money on clothing. I give the needs to the Lord, and then I wait to see how He leads me to find the items I need. Often, I can pick something up at Target or Wal Mart, or Ross’ or Khols on sale or clearance. One piece at a time, the Lord builds my “current” wardrobe.
Sometimes I’ll be drawn to go to Goodwill and look around. When I obey and go when the Lord leads me to, I find just what was on the list. Occasionally someone will share their “hand-me-overs” with me, and something I’ve prayed for will be among those clothes. Our God is creative with His provisions!
8. Everyday (or night), I stand at my closet and ask the Lord to help me know what to wear. He guides my eyes and hands and helps me choose the outfit de jour.
I may not look “perfect” to everyone else, but when the Lord has helped me dress and fix my hair, the responsibility for how I look is up to Him, and I don’t have to worry over it anymore. I can leave my house knowing that He has dressed me spiritually (in my quiet time with Him), and physically.
“Let Your beauty be upon me, and establish the work of my hands.”
I’m then free to go about my day, confident of His handiwork in and upon my life.
Matthew 6:24-34 sums up what I’ve taken way too many paragraphs to say. No matter how big or little it seems, God can take care of it. Our job is to seek Him first, and all these other things will fall into place.
Seeking Him first – even for our Spring wardrobes – takes all of the worry out of it. We can trust Him to dress us in the way where He receives the glory – and we’ll be current and beautiful like the lilies.
(24) “No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money. (25) Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? (26) Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? (27) Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?
(28) And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. (29) Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. (30) If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?
(31) So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ (32) For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. (33) But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. (34) Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”
Question: Do you ask the Lord to help you do things like this? Does He help you dress, shop, cook, drive, park, etc? If so, please leave a comment and let’s celebrate how God helps us in the details of daily life.
If you’ve never thought that God cared about these things before, or you never wanted to “bother” Him with the little stuff, I challange you to try it. You’re not bothering Him. Ask Him to help you in the little things, and you’ll see Him being involved in your life in a big way! (Then, please come back and tell us about it! 🙂 )
Much love to you beautiful and fashionable lilies~
Kathy@ Gone North says
Nice thoughts. I just found your blog tonight & have enjoyed reading thru. I am remembering years ago, in Bible Study Fellowship, when someone said that they prayed over thier wallpaper choices. It was a new thought to me, but has been helpful since, about what/how I pray.
On clothing, I am very Blessed to have a friend who is a clothing designer/manufacturer. 4 -5 times a yr. I am asked to work & they PAY ME IN CLOTHING!! I have so many clothes, but I so enjoy, when at Church someone will tell me that they like my coat, or like my sweater, I will take it off & give it to them… It is fun to spread it around : )
Nishant says
I love to see HIS hand in all your writing.
work at home in india
Not Home Yet..... says
We are just two peas in a pod. I have already been going through my spring wardrobe and figuring out what will work. I feel very blessed this year because everything looks like a new outfit since I am in a new location! God is in the small stuff and He wants us to be His lilies! We just have to remember not to sweat the small stuff if it doesn't look like we visualize it to be.
I love you girl!
Susan Skitt says
What a nice post. I love fashion, yes even former tomboys are still girls! LOL! I loved how you have committed even such a task as what you wear to the Lord so you can honor Him. Great thoughts – thanks for sharing! May Christ be glorified in all we do, say, and wear!
Jennifer says
This was very interesting. I'll admit, I don't think I've invited the Lord to be such a part of my "fashion" choices, desires, etc….but I definitely think it is a good idea. I want to look nice but not obsess about it. I want to buy nice things but not waste money either. I certainly want to glorify Him in the way I dress – so why haven't I been including Him more??? Good thoughts, Jennifer. Thanks – hope you have a blessed weekend.
Melanie Redd says
Hey Jen,
Once again, you have made me smile and laugh!
Your simple faith amazes me and encourages me. Thank you for being a real woman with a real testimony!
I'm praying for you tonight…
Kristen says
This was great! And yes, He and I walk hand in hand making even the little decisions. I ask for His help when making the clothing decisions. I tell you – I LOVE CLOTHES! I am a very creative and frugal shopper as well. I have a tough time paying full price. Kohls is my fav – great sales and great coupons. I go through my closet every spring and fall. I donate a lot of clothes for "hand me overs" (love that) and I also shop Goodwill for hand me over items. I found an extremely nice (and expensive if bought new) suit for my husband – I got it for $7.00! It fits perfectly!
Yes! Ask God to be in the little stuff too!
PS: I love being called a beautiful and fashionable lily!
Jennifer says
This post was very interesting!!
You Bless me everyday with your encouraging words and your creative writing.
Oh how I love to see HIS hand in all your writing.
You have a very uplifting spirit…and what a gift it is!
Susan S. says
What a great post and a great way to think about dressing. I can't say that I've invited the Lord to help me with clothing, shopping or cooking decisions, but WHY NOT! I'm taking a class at church this winter…Dave Ramsey Financial Peace….and I HAVE now called on God to help me from not shopping as much; being happy with what I have, etc, etc. I SHOULD invite him into my dressing area and ask him for guidance. I have tons of clothes and he could direct me in putting them together so I wouldn't "need" new clothes.
Have a blessed day and thanks for a wonderful post. HUGS from Houston!