Truly – I never thought those words would EVAH come out of my mouth! But alas – they did – and it’s true! I was scared to death of entering this stage of life. In fact, for years, I had prayed that Jesus would come back before Nathan turned 10! I was serious!
Obviously, He had other and better plans… and part of those plans were that we would be parenting two middle-schoolers. And for you moms of younger children – I say this with total honesty – it is a joy! A “difficult joy” on some days – but to the glory of God – so far, each day of this stage of life has held a blessing.
I’m trying to soak in every moment with our children – because I know (from some of you moms of older ones) how quickly this stage passes. Sometimes I look at my children and am shocked at how big they are. In my mind, it seems like they should still be 5 & 6 instead of 11 and 12!
(I always wondered how one would parent a child when the child grew bigger than the parent. I now know – because Nathan is much taller than I am and he still respects and obeys me. I’ve realized that the endless, exhausting training we did when the children were toddlers, preschoolers, and elementary age kids – and the fact that we didn’t give up or give in – is now paying off. That and MUCH prayer!… I think that’s a key as to why we’re enjoying these middle school years with our children.)
I digress. I really just meant to post a few pictures of what was going on this week.
So here they are~ as we’re loving Life in Middle School~
It’s Spirit week. Thursday was Wacky Tacky Day (Where Nathan finally got to wear those shoes and socks out of the house!)
Friday was PJ day. (A very easy getting ready morning!)
And Friday night was the “Under the Pond” school dance – put on by the “Catfish Club” at the school. James and I were there (under the guise of serving soda) and we promised not to embarrass our children… on purpose.
But when the DJ played “Thriller” it took everything in me not to run on the dance floor and bust out my moves I worked so hard on in the 10th grade! I restrained myself for the sake of my kids. Ah… the sacrifices we moms must make!
love this post and awesome pics…i have 2 younger and 2 older than yours and all i can say is each stage is a growing time and blessing for me
I very well remember that, too, Vicki! You helped me process much that day – and God used you to help us make some changes to prepare for this new stage of life! Thanks so much, friend!!!
Love it! Jennifer, I remember us sitting at Longhorn's when you first realized,with disbelief:) that you had two budding preteens in your nest!
Thanks for the Under the Pond photos! All I got as a description for the dance was the typical 13-year old boy answer of "Fine." It looks like things may have been a bit more fun than fine.:-)
How neat! love the pics! I have one in MS(my baby 🙁 ! And two in HS! One is a jr & one a soph. In fact we are taking the Jr in a bit to order her classring. I think I may cry.