When our children were in elementary school, one of the funnest things I got to do as a parent was to send the teachers little encouraging notes and treats throughout the year. They were always “cheesy” – but that was the fun part.
It was OK with my children as long as they were in elementary school. But when they moved on to middle school, they weren’t so thrilled about carrying “treats” to their teachers. I’d write notes and send little things in envelopes, instead of packages, only to find them in my son’s backpack 3 months later. While we lived in Nashville, I was very involved in their middle school, so when I’d go volunteer, I’d just deliver the treats myself.
Last year was such a crazy year for our family – I didn’t do anything extra for anyone ~ and I hated it. I prayed for the teachers daily, but didn’t even let them know until the end of the year. I want this year to be different, so I’m looking for a way to encourage our children’s teachers – without spending a lot of money and looking like a brown-nosing, and/or embarrassing mom.
Any ideas??? Anyone? I’ve been all over Pinterest looking, but most everything seems to fit teachers of younger children. If you’ve done something inexpensive and effective for a JH or HS teacher, please let me know. I’d so appreciate it. Our school starts Monday.
For those of you with elem. children – There are some great “Cheesy” teacher gifts here, including the label for the one below:
Actually, this is a good option for a JH or HS teacher. I could change the tag to say something like “Praying that you will have an AW-esome year!”
If no other option is available, I’ll just get a few things off of their “wish list” and attach a note to it. That might be the best idea yet.
What do you think?
Thanks in advance for any help! 🙂