Last weekend the entire “Crawford clan” was together at my mom’s, and my cousin came and took some family pictures for us. My mom’s back yard is a fantastic background for beautiful pics, and we think these turned out well. My extended family always makes me smile! We are constantly laughing so hard that our bellies ache. My daddy sure would have loved these grandchildren… but I imagine that he is smiling bigger than we ever can, since he is in the physical presence of Jesus enjoying his eternal family. 🙂
Happy Monday, my friends~
Thanks for indulging me, friends. I am planning on spending the next 10 or so days away from social media in order to carve out some mental time to soak in the Lord. I’ll be doing some writing, and pray to finish a book that has been in the works for over two years, Kids Keeping Christ AS Christmas. Our own kids are heading to youth camp today, so the Lord, Zoe, and I will have lots of time to work. However, I have scheduled a few posts to pop up between now and the end of my break. I will be praying for you, and so very much appreciate your prayers for me. {And if the Lord does an incredible miracle with our house while I’m away, I will definitely come back and let you know!}
With love and gratitude for each of you… because you, too, make me smile~ 🙂
Lynn says
Jennifer you have a beautiful family. I love the picture of you and your daughter – she’s growing up:) I don’t remeber when I found your blog but your kids have really grown up since the first time I saw pictures of them. What a blessing family is!!