It’s been so busy around here that I didn’t realize until I went to bed last night that I missed the 1st Birthday of Smelling Coffee! I’ve been a blogger for a year and two days now – and have loved every minute of it. 🙂
I love having a place to journal and share life and pictures and all God is doing. And I love how I’ve made new friends along the way – friends from all over the world!
In reflecting on this past year, though, I realize that having a blog is like having a plant. It does need care and attention to thrive and grow. Too much time without any attention makes it wither and lose its vitality. And too much attention can be unhealthy for everyone.
Early in my blogging career (ha ha) I read a post via Rocks in My Dryer “Works for Me Wednesdays” about how not to let blogging take over living – and that’s so true. It’s taken a while, but I think I’m finally finding a balance of what works for this blogging season of life.
It certainly has been an amazingly full year – and I’m so glad to have much of it journaled here on Smelling Coffee. It’s been a blessing to walk through these days with you! The Lord has improved me through you, your blogs, your ideas, your devotions, and your comments here on Smelling Coffee.
Just for fun, I went back over the lists of my posts and pulled out a few that I consider to be “favorites.” (And in doing that, I found my Lemon cookie recipe that I couldn’t find for this week’s Tasty Tuesday. Funny thing – it was written on July 8, 2008 – exactly one year ago from this weeks Tasty Tuesday’s post!)
Favorite 🙂 Post – Attitude is Everything
Favorite “tip” Post – Dressing Like the Lilies (The key to Staying “fashionably current”)
Favorite “Word” post from the early blog-year – An Expectant Wait (This re-blessed me as I read it again today!)
Favorite early post when I had no readers (smile) – Why Does This Keep Happening to My Hot Dog?
All-Time Favorite post – I am Now a Leaping Cow!
Thanks, friends, for being a part of this past year. I look forward to all the Lord has in store for the next.. and I’m hoping part of what He has plans includes a super blog redesign one of these days! 🙂 Blessings to each of you…
With much love,
Congrat on a year of doing this thing! Yes, we work our way into a pattern of having this "all" make sense. It's hard to find the balance at first, but after 1 1/2 years of blogging, I think I've found my stride. Keep to it. One of the things that amazes me most about this online "journaling" of my heart is the "looking back" over the time and seeing the hand of God in my life in profound ways. My 200+ blogs are a touchstone of sorts … my "thus far the Lord has helped me" kind of remembrance.
Our God is good, and he is using this crazy avenue to sing his praises and make a difference in this world. Thank you for being a part of mine.
Hi Sweet Sister,
Wish I could come on over and smell or should I say taste some great coffee w/you as we celebrate your blog anniversary!
Many blessings as you continue to share GOD's heart with us. I love ya.
Happy blog birthday!! I love coffee so much but my husband does not and he never thought of making me a cup~you are very blessed your hubby can give you your little coffee treat in the morning! God bless, Rose
Happy Happy Birthday!!!!
I went back and read your 100th post and why you named the blog what you did! My husband and I have a similar routine each morning. I can't remember when he started making the coffee and bringing me the first cup. Occasionally I get to the pot first, but I never think it tastes as good when I make it. Then we both journal, pray and read Scripture individually and end with a short reading together (right now "The Passion of Jesus Christ", by John Piper) and then praying together. May your mornings continue to bring you the "smell of coffee" and all the accompanying pleasures of HIS company!
Congratulations….one year! What fun!! I know I've just recently found your blog but I have been blessed often reading your posts and am glad you are blogging!. I'm looking forward to reading back through some of your own favorites!
Well, this is my first Happy Birthday to celebrate the beginning of a blogger's blog. Bloggers are so innovative. I love the colored bubbles on the background of your blog. I'm going to go read some more of your posts now. Wonder if I'll have a one year blogging birthday- we'll see…
HPD to you, Smelling Coffee! Keep at it!
Happy…Happy….Happy blog birthday my friend. I'm SO glad that you blog…because you BLESS my heart each time I stop by!!
Praying for you today…
Congratulations on your bloggiversary! I certainly enjoy reading your posts, keep up the good work!
Happy bloggiversary to you! I hope you continue to enjoy blogging!
Happy birthday to your blog! I have very much enjoyed reading it this past year and look forward to the years to come. ( :
Happy 1st b-day! The same thing happened to me. I completely let it slip by. Your blog has been such a blessing to me. Thanks for always sharing from your heart…I look forward to many more!