Hi friends. How’s the Heart Cleaning going? If you missed the last post, we’re talking about Spring Cleaning of the Heart this week. To catch up, start here.
Today, we’ll look at a checklist concerning the Home Life of the Modern Proverbs 31 Woman. Remember – absolutely no condemnation here – just a few questions to pray through with the Lord, asking Him to show you those hidden areas that need a little additional scrubbing.
Happy Spring Cleaning of the Heart~ Part 3 will be posted on Monday. 🙂
Home Life
Can my husband be confident and secure in:
• How I spend time? _____
• How I spend money? _____
• What I say? _____
• What I do? _____
• How I manage children, home, work, or other responsibilities? _____
OR does he have to “cover” for me in any dishonest way?
Do I encourage, comfort, support and bless my husband:
• In our relationship / friendship? _____
• In our home? _____
• In my words to him? _____
• In my interest in him, his work, and what he enjoys? _____
• In front of the children? _____
OR do I “nag him down” and “drag him down”?
Do I do the very best I can to provide nourishment for my family? _____
Do we make the most of meal times, spending that time in fellowship together? _____
Do I consider it a privilege to serve my family in this way? _____
OR do we all do our own things and I let them fend for themselves?
Do I do what I can to make myself strong for my God-given tasks and roles in life:
• Spiritually? _____
• Mentally? _____
• Physically? _____
OR have I settled for being weak, soft, and “unable”?
Is it evident that I love Jesus and have a relationship with Him? _____
• Do I make having a relationship with Jesus seem desirable to my family? _____
• Do I speak of Jesus to my family and model and teach them the way of a closer relationship with Him? _____
• Is Jesus an active part of our homelife? _____
OR is my family easy prey for being “snowed over” by satan and his darts of deception?
Do I encourage my husband to be a wise and hard worker (therefore a leader) by:
• Praying for him? _____
• Showing an interest in his job? _____
• Supporting him in his job? _____
OR do I resent, nag and complain about how much he has to work?
When I open my mouth are my words:
• Kind? _____
• Encouraging? _____
• Merciful? _____
• Wise and useful? _____
• A blessing to others? _____
• Humble? _____
• True? _____
• Tempered with grace, patience and gentleness? _____
• Spoken in the Love of Jesus? _____
OR are they bitter?
OR are they critical?
OR are they unforgiving?
OR are they foolish and idle?
OR are they hurtful to others?
OR are they full of pride?
OR are they false?
OR are they demanding, impatient and harsh?
OR are they spoken in the love of myself?
Vs. 27a- She looks well to how things go in her household,
Do I take responsibility for running my home? _____
Is my home a place of peace and a refuge for my family? _____
OR is my home a place of chaos that “runs itself”?
Do I use with wisdom and discretion in:
• My words? _____
• My thoughts? _____
• My time? _____
OR are my words, thoughts, and time consumed with laziness, idle activity, facebook, blogs, twitter?
Vs. 28a- Her children rise up and call her blessed (happy, fortunate, and to be envied);
Do I set forth such an example of living that:
• I would want my children to want to be “just like me”? _____
• My children know that I love them? _____
• My children know that I love Jesus? _____
• My children respect me? _____
• My children feel blessed that I am their mother? _____
OR would I be ashamed if my children turned out “just like me”?
Vs. 28b-29 – And her husband boasts of and praises her, [saying] Many daughters have done virtuously, nobly, and well [with strength of character that is steadfast in goodness] but you excel them all.
Can my husband honestly say of me that I am:
• His partner and help-mate? _____
• His “Number One Prayer Warrior”? _____
• A serving wife, desiring to meet his needs? _____
• A forgiving wife? _____
• A deeply devoted, and unselfishly loving woman? _____
• An excellent wife to him? _____
OR can he say that I am:
• A hindrance to him?
• A selfish wife?
• Often recalling and using against him of all of his faults and failures
• Devoted to myself rather than to him?
Ouch~ my toes are a little sore. God and I have some work to do this week! How about you?
Part 3 – on Monday. Have a great weekend, my friends! 🙂