Today’s Spring Cleaning of the Heart is concentrating on the Work Life of the Modern Proverbs 31 Woman. For the Spiritual Life checklist, click here. For the Home Life checklist, click here. And for the Work Life, see below. 😉
God is so merciful and gracious, ready to pardon, and to help us in our weaknesses. Ask Him to help you work through these lists. They are not at all comprehensive – just a few thoughts spurred by this amazing example of a Godly Woman. God’s desire is to make us into His very best. Let’s let Him have His wise way with us.
Work Life
Am I motivated to be a willing worker? _____
Do I work “as unto The Lord” (Eph. 6:7) in whatever task is set before me? _____
OR do I complain and resent when work is to be done?
Do I “consider” (pray) before I “buy” purchases that will steal time and attention from my other responsibilities? _____
Do I “consider” (pray) before I “accept” new responsibilities offered to me, or asked of me? _____
OR do I “court neglect” of my family, home, and spiritual life in how I spend my money and time in things that end up overwhelming me?
Do I use “saved time”, “saved strength”, and “saved money” wisely? _____
OR do I squander additional resources?
Do I use make use of the talents and skills God has given me? _____
OR do I waste my time and talents in seeking idle pleasures?
Am I ready to “reach out” and minister to others in need? _____
OR do I stay so self-absorbed that I have no idea of needs, nor time to help meet them?
Do I wisely and prudently use my resources and abilities to help make our home a beautiful and comfortable place? _____
OR Am I home so little time that it doesn’t matter to me if it is an inviting place?
As I do my work, am I known for being covered in “fine garments” (righteousness of Jesus Christ)?____
Do I work in such a way that I lead others to want the freedom of this God-given righteousness? _____
OR do I join in on idle, unholy, or worthless talk and activities – where no one knows where I stand with Jesus?
Have I done everything I can possibly do (at this time) to prepare for the future of my family? _____
OR are there important issues that must be addressed and I keep putting them off? What are they? What is a plan to address these issues?
Can I truly say I am being and doing the very best I can be and do? _____
OR are there areas I know God is convicting me about where I can be/do better? What are they? What is a plan to address these issues?
Give her the fruit of her hands, and let her own works praise her in the gates of the city.”
Proverbs 31:30-31