Are you looking for a sure way to find JOY in the midst of whatever circumstances you find yourself facing? JOY is possible, attainable, and freely available for those who will practice these three principles – J. O. Y. In this episode of Smelling Coffee TV, Elizabeth and I share what we’ve found to be the secret of true JOY:
Jesus first,
Offering thanks, and
Yielding myself and my plans to Him…and doing this a thousand times a day if necessary.
I’ve been practicing this method of JOY for over a year, and several times already this week it has come in quite handy. It truly works. 🙂
PS: For some reason, when I downloaded this video, our 11 pm church service was attached to it. So… the SCTV show is the first 25 minutes and the church service follows. We do have an awesome pastor now, and his sermon was great… so if you have the time to listen to all of it, you’d definitely be blessed. 😉
Smelling Coffee TV: Finding JOY for the New Year
The Lord’s Peace and JOY to each one of you, sweet friends~