Hi there. Remember me? I know that it’s been forever since I’ve written a current blog post here – and you’ve just been on pins and needles awaiting the wise words I have to impart. Right. 😉 haha. Seriously, I have drifted off to sleep so many nights lately with blog readers and yet-to-be-written posts in my mind… but somehow the days have been too full to get them typed out on the computer. So, I’ll thank you in advance for bearing with me as I catch up on a few bits and pieces of life over this month – which, btw, seemed to start last week and ends in a few days!
IF I had written some original posts this month, some of them would have been about:
1. March Madness. I’m SO not sports-concerned or sports-aware (unless my children are involved), but everyone else in this household is, and “our team” (University of Memphis) played twice in the early rounds, and actually upset everyone’s brackets when they beat George Washington. No one expected them to win except those fans whose belief in the team runs deep. My husband is a die-hard true-blue University of Memphis fan – a faithful fan who has supported the Tigers through seasons of wins and losses, and has taken lots of good-natured ribbing from fans of more “famous” SEC teams. I love that about him – and always jokingly say that I know he won’t leave me, because he’s stayed so loyal to Tiger sports all of these years – even in the midst of embarrassing losing streaks! haha. I can’t tell you how many times he would call sports radio when we lived in Nashville to defend the Tigers. In fact, they started calling him “Memphis James.” So when Memphis does well, friends always congratulate my dear man – happy for him because his team won and mostly because he’s usually the only Memphis fan they know. 😉 So even though we are now out of the playoffs, this is for you, James:
2. American Idol. I am loving this season! The judges are giving helpful critiques and it seems like the contestants are getting more practical coaching and helps this time. There is a contestant, though, that looks so much like our son, it’s uncanny. His name is Caleb Johnson, so we always call him Nathan. See for yourself:
3. Monday’s “Makes Me Smile.” If I had written one this past week, I would have added these pictures – I’m still laughing!
4. Spring Break. It’s been years since we took a real vacation – and this year our family drove 15 hours each way to spend a week with our friends, the Fullers (Amy is of old “Frappuccino Fun with Amy” posts and “Amy’s Fall Mix” fame.) The Fullers moved to Merritt Island, FL when we moved to Cleveland, MS. We had such a great time with them! They are consummate hosts, and anyone who has been to or in their home can testify to that.
While we were there, we went to Disney World’s Magic Kingdom – a first-time Disney experience for the four of us. And even though our children are almost grown, we had a super first-Disney experience, and rode/attended/watched/ate everything anyone has ever recommended! We arrived shortly after the park opened, and left around midnight. No ride was too childish and very few food favorites were left untasted. My very favorite part of the whole experience was watching Abigail visit with Cinderella. It was as if she was a little girl again… So precious!
The Buzz Lightyear game.
(Don’t know what happened in the upper left corner! – haha This was taken on the tram heading into the Magic Kingdom.)
It was a wonderful family trip. Even the 15 hour drive both ways was enjoyable. We are at that stage where we (as in the hubs and I) are treasuring every moment of the four of us being together. My heart is full.
5. Spring. Finally. (Though, many of my slightly northern friends are still experiencing SNOW this week!) It’s taken me a while to feel “Spring-y” but now I’m ready to lighten up the home, the porch, and enjoy the beautiful outdoors. Here are a few inspiring photos for this Spring’s decor. (All from Pinterest.)
I’d love to make a wreath like this one:
6. Most importantly – The Lord’s Faithfulness. It’s been a crazy-busy few weeks lately, and it seems as if I’ve studied and prepared, then poured out, then studied, then poured, studied, then poured and on and on… until I have felt as if my head was spinning. There hasn’t been much time for anything else lately. But God… He has been so faithful to help manage our home and physical needs, and to provide sisters who have stepped up and stepped in at just the right time to help with every need. The privilege of studying and pouring God’s Word is something I truly can’t describe… but sometimes (like anything) it can be exhausting… and it’s seasons like this that make those quiet moments at Jesus’ feet not only important, but life-sustaining-necessities.
During times of intense pouring out, whether in vocational ministry or in the everyday ministry of life, we must remain right close to Jesus, so that He can continually fill us. Colossians 2:10 in the Jewish New Testament says, “It is in union with Him that you have been made full.” The only way any of us will find joy and rest and peace during any of the busy pouring-out seasons of our lives is to remain in union with Jesus. Through our early morning Quiet Times, through our obedience to His every direction, through our yielding ourselves and our wants in surrender to His will, through starving the flesh and feeding the spirit, and through basking in His beautiful names and nature and the love He showers over us… That’s how we stay in union with Jesus.. and that’s how we remain full, even when we feel like we have nothing left to give. He is SO faithful though I am so fleshy. How I love Him!
7. Closing. Thanks for letting me ramble. I sure have missed you, and I’ve been praying for you. So until next time, my friends, may this be the cry of our hearts…