Hi friends~ I’m most likely late to the party on this one, as many of you already know of most of these blogs, and are feeding on them often. But for others like me, who may not have jumped on the blog-following bandwagon when these blogs first blossomed out there, I just had to share with you what I’ve recently found.
I’m sorry to say that I don’t have much time to read blogs anymore. This saddens me because I’ve made so many friends – true friends – through blogging. Some I’ve had the privilege to meet face to face… Like Heidi, who spent this past weekend in our home and blessed our body of Christ as she shared what He has given her. And like Mari, an IRL {in real life}friend in Cleveland that I love and know all because she started reading Smelling Coffee. Like many of you who respond in either comments or e-mail, and we’ve joined hearts and prayers and encouragement… and we’ve become friends. That’s such a treasure. But reading blogs takes time at the computer, and I don’t have a lot of that right now. Do you?
HOWEVER, because of the wonderful little thing called e-mail, I sign up for the blogs I love to be emailed straight to my inbox, and I can read them on my phone as I wait in the car rider line, the doctor’s office, while getting my grey covered, etc… I’m so thankful for this convenience! That’s how I now keep up with most every blog I read. And I’ve been so blessed. If you don’t have computer time to catch up on blogs, that might be an option for you, too. I have a box at the top left of this blog offering that feature. Any blog that offers e-mail subscriptions will have either a box like mine, or a picture of an envelope, or an “@” symbol in a prominent place on their sidebar. Just click it, follow the directions, and be sure to activate it by checking your mail immediately. Then the goodness can be directly mailed to you, and you can read at your convenience.
I don’t know where I’ve been that I’ve missed some of these blogs I want to share with you today, but if I could do it all over again, I’d have been reading them from the beginning. They are investments in the heart. A Holy Experience
Ann Voskamp’s writing style is beautiful, picturesque, savor-able. As I read what she shares, I want to meditate on it and let it marinate in my heart. She is the author of the book One Thousand Gifts, and I’m currently being doubly blessed by Ann as I both read her blog and her book.
Faithful ProvisionsThis blog is a bowl-full of encouragement in daily living with Jesus, saving money, couponing, and homemaking. I’d heard about it several years ago, but never took the time to take it all in. Wonderful. Blessing. I love it, and desire to be a keeper of my home more like Kelly. {She even gives you a weekly menu idea based on what is on sale in the grocery stores for the week!}
Arabah JoyA blog written by an anonymous lover of Jesus who calls herself Arabah (meaning dessert) Joy. Her writing style and depth of what she shares digs deep and makes me ponder the things I usually take for granted in God’s Word and world. I’ve been greatly challenged as I’ve read these posts. Because she writes anonymously, there is no pretense. I like that a lot. Arabah Joy loves Jesus and is honest in her struggles to serve Him in the calling and the family He has placed her. My faith is strengthened as I read of her journey.
At Home with Kim
Now this girl, I know. She was one of my first “blog besties” and although we’ve never met face to face, I consider her a real friend… a friend IRL. We’ve talked on the phone, e-mailed often, prayed for one another, encouraged one another, and one of these days, I just know we’ll meet face to face.
I met Kim when she was “Kim…and her coffee”. (I think we probably met because we both had blog names that contained the word coffee. In the beginning of blogging, those of us with “coffee” names felt a kinship and supported each other a bit. It was like finding out you’re from the same hometown.) Kim writes about life, homemaking, taking care of our bodies, and delicious food. She always encourages me to be better at something. 🙂 She has transitioned from “Kim… and her coffee” to “Quit Eating Out” to “Recipes to Run On” to finally a spot she can call her own and blog from for the rest of her life. A place that pulls it all together: At Home with Kim.
Last for today (but not forever… I’ll be sharing more in the future)
Written by around 20 ladies, this blog does exactly what it’s name suggests: to me, it puts us “in a place of courage” as we strive to live this life to the full glory of God. I’m sure you’ll recognize some of its writers. I just found it, and am looking forward to it filling my inbox with encouragement to live (in)couraged.
Friends, I know that there aren’t enough hours in the day to read the vast and beautiful offerings online and on book shelves. I almost hate singling out a few blogs when there are so many of yours that do the very same things. I’ll be sharing more blogs later on, but for now, I want say one more thing before I sign off for the day~
Although I do enjoy reading these blogs, they are not life to me. As I know that Smelling Coffee is not life to you. If one book only could be read, one set of words to be poured into my heart each day, as wonderful as they are, it wouldn’t be these blogs… it would have to be something that gives far more than these precious ladies. It would have to be what gives to them. It would be the Bible. The Living Word of God.
God’s Word brings TRUE strength and encouragement and conviction in homemaking, living, loving, and being. I’ve shared some blogs that bless. But God shares words that Live! Before reading any other words each day, let’s make sure that we’ve laid the Sure Foundation of God’s Word in our hearts, minds, and appetites for the day ahead. Then whatever we read from the above blogs or the millions of others, will be sweet icing on the cake… the dessert after we’ve consumed and been made full on the Meat of the Word of God.
Your words were found, and I ate them; and Your words were to me a joy and the rejoicing of my heart, for I am called by Your name, O Lord God of hosts. Jer. 15:16 (Amp)