This coming week is one that reminds us that this life will end in triumph, hope, and salvation for any who chooses to receive the gift purchased and presented. But during the days between now and next Sunday, if we search the Scripture and follow the footsteps of Jesus, listening to Him as He speaks through His Word, we will witness Him encounter every human emotion from jubilation to humiliation. We will watch His followers place their hope in an immediate rescue only to be disappointed by God’s choice of an everlasting one. Oh the multiple levels of heartache that must have accompanied Jesus especially as He entered what we now refer to as Holy Week!
Because we know the end of the story, we can walk through this week in freedom and gratitude, embracing the eternal work of of the Trinity that began before the foundations of the earth were formed and that were just 7 days until completion! After all that time… after watching and longing for man and woman to choose and to seek God’s way… and after 33 years on this earth, the last three of them leading up to this very week and purpose… it was almost finished. The work of salvation was being completed. For you, for me, for everyone who would choose to place their trust in Jesus Christ as Lord.
This is the true source of Hope and Change. This is what we celebrate on this Palm Sunday and on every day of Holy Week.
Do you want to hear from Jesus this week in a way that makes your Easter celebration more meaningful? If so, here is a little challenge. Follow His footsteps. The Gospels give us a basic outline of the specific things Jesus did, the places He went, and the words He spoke. Scholars disagree on some of the exact placement of a few of the events, but the “when” is not nearly as important as the “what” and the “why” of these truths.
Each day this week I’ll be posting some scripture references containing Jesus’ actions during this week leading up to the cross. So grab your Bible, a piece of paper, and a pen. Read the scriptures listed, and ask God to open your eyes to the wonderful truths in His Word (Psalm 119:18). {That’s a prayer that He will always answer with a “Yes!” because it is His will for us to seek and find Him.} Then let the Words of the Word wash over you and respond in your most personal way. (If you don’t want to miss a day, you can have the posts e-mailed to you. Just enter your e-mail address in the box to the left of this post – and be sure to open and confirm the email Feedburner sends to you – and you’ll be good to go. No spam from me – I promise!)
The scriptures this week will lead us to celebration, appreciation, sorrow, repentance, praise, shock, horror, gratitude, peace, and joy just to name a few of the responses we can expect as God opens up His Word to us.
O Lord Jesus, send forth Your Word… and heal! (from Psalm 107:20)
The triumphal Entry: Matthew 21:1-11; Mark 11:1-10; Luke 19:29-44; John 12:12-19