And it can be summed up in 6 words:
Trust The Lord.
Obey The Lord.
Every thing else that we could think of to do or not to do this year could actually fall into this category.
Whatever it is that The Lord reveals to us to do or not to do – to start or to give up – to say or not to say – to think or not to think – If we would make it our goal to simply trust and obey Him, that one goal would cover everything. Then no matter what it is, day by day, situation by situation, we would have success… because we would be smack dab in the middle of His will for our lives.
We can never go wrong if our goal is to simply trust and obey the Lord. That’s my goal for this year… And I’ve asked God to help me do it without any whining and complaining or comparing what is His best for us with what is His best for others.
Trust The Lord.
Obey The Lord.
What about you? What has The Lord revealed to you about your goal(s) for this new year?
“This is God‘s Word on the subject: “… I know what I’m doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.” Jeremiah 29:10-11 (The Message)
Happy New Year, and much love to you, my friends. May the Lord be greatly glorified in all of our lives in 2011!
The Brady's Blog..Not Home Yet says
This is my verse for today and for this year also!
LisaShaw says
My precious sister-friend, your post rings of my heart and I'm not surprised for we share the same spirit; the Spirit of the LORD.
Thank you for being an encouragement and prayer partner at a distance in 2010. I love you and I am excited about all GOD will do in 2011 and I pray to trust and obey all the way! Praying the same for you. Happy New Year!
Linda says
Loved my visit her today and your posts.
I am your newest follower and look forward to visting often.
Lynn says
Amen, Jennifer! It is that simple isn't it – trust and obey. Not that it is always easy to do but it is all that we need to do. Happy New Year!
Kim @ Quit Eating Out {Recipes to Make Dining Out a Choice, Not a Chore} says
Happy New Year to YOU my Friend! I'm looking forward to all the Lord has in store for each of us this year. PS ~ I have that same plate! 🙂 Hugs and Love!!!