I was in the middle of studying a daily lesson in Beth Moore’s Esther when a paragraph caused me to detour for the day… And what a powerful Word from the Lord He gave me! I typed out my notes, burned these truths in my mind, and have put them into practice. Panic-savers Lifesavers, I tell you! If you need a few panic-saving life-saving keys, here they are.
“The enemy is trying to get back at God by attacking us. Because Satan has a limited leash where believers are concerned, his most powerful tactics are psychological. Though he can’t possess our minds, he profoundly and destructively influences our thoughts.” Beth Moore, Esther, week 3, day 3.
I have found this to be very true for me. More than any other stage of my life thus far, I have consistently fought the battle between faith and sight, hope and fear. (Some days I’ve won, and some days I haven’t.)
As the calendar ticks by and we remain without employment (and have no inkling of an idea of where or what our future will hold) faith verses sight, and hope verses fear. As I watch our children grow and mature, and I begin that process of thinking about releasing them, faith verses sight and hope verses fear. Sometimes, I’ll be doing nothing but driving or riding down the road and notice another vehicle, and faith verses sight and hope verses fear.
If I’m not careful, my mind will work up any number of disastrous scenarios that will be so life-like, I’ll end up actually crying just thinking about it. This SHOULD NOT BE! I don’t have to be this way. None of us do.
The Lord has shown me that He has given us the keys to release the handcuffs and chains of sight and fear so that we can fully live in faith and hope. And I’d like to pass those keys along to you.
or give Him thanks. But instead they became futile and godless in their thinking [with vain imaginations,Foolish reasonings, and Stupid speculations]and their senseless minds were darkened.”
Our enemy would have us focus on fear, vain imaginations, foolish reasonings, and stupid speculations – which he knows will tie us up in knots and entrap us.
“Throw aside every encumbrance
(unnecessary weight and that sin
which so readily, deftly, and cleverly clings to and entangles us…
looking away from all that will distract to Jesus,
who is the Leader and Source of our faith… and is also its Finisher.”
From these verses, we can find the keys to unlock the entanglement of our minds:
1. Honor and Glorify God – make an immediate choice to honor Him with your thoughts. Start calling out names of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. If you can’t think of any of those at the moment, just simply say “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus…” until His beautiful name and presence starts to overpower the thoughts of sight and fear.
2. Give God thanks – start thanking God for His love, His protection, His provision, His promises, His Word…
3. Throw aside the weight of those sensless thoughts – those vain imaginations, foolish reasonings and stupid speculations. This requires some action and choice on your part. Absolutely REFUSE to let them darken your mind.
4. Look to Jesus – determine to keep your mind and thoughts focused on Him. When you do this, Hebrews 12:2 tells us that He will actually finish and complete FOR YOU the faith you lack in the battle of your minds and thoughts.
Abraham is a beautiful example to me of hope and faith. Romans 4:18-21 tells us how he kept faith and hope in God all of those years…especially when the promise of God became physically, humanly impossible to fulfill. I want this to be my testimony, too!
human reason for hope being gone, hoped in faith…
He did not weaken in faith
when he considered… (we can insert any of our own human limitations here)
the promise of God, but he grew strong and was empowered
by faith as he gave praise and glory to God,
and do what He had promised.”
We can be empowered by faith as we give praise and glory to God, throw aside the dark thoughts of sight and fear, and look to Jesus – who is fully ABLE and MIGHTY to keep His Word and do what He has promised.
That’s what I want to do. How about you? I’m holding on to the keys that will release me from the next lock-up the enemy has planned. In fact, in my mind, they are on a beautiful silver Brighton Key ring. Who says that spiritual power and a little “bling” can’t go together? 🙂
“And let us rejoice and exalt in our hope of experiencing and enjoying the glory of God.” Romans 5:2b
“O Lord of Hosts, blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) is the man who trusts in You [leaning on and believing on You, committing all and confidently looking to You, and that without fear or misgiving.]” Psalm 84:12 (Amp)
Praise God for this too! Just Praise God!
Oh Jen. This is awesome. I love what we all get to gleam from your Quiet Times. How awesome. How my mind is in need of continual renewing. It's so easy for me to slip into the worries and what~ifs. Thank you for sharing these truths to cover all that ugliness.
Precious Sister-friend you know my prayers remain for you and your family. Thank you for sharing your heart and HIS WORD with us. I love you so much if I could I wrap a HUGE HUG around you Jen but know that I'm hugging you from here dear friend.
Yes, yes and yes. If that makes sense.
I loved your post..It gave me a lot to think about..Thank-u for sharing..Hope you have a great day..Blessings, Faye
This was perfect today – not an hour ago I was sitting and having my lunch, when my mind began to wonder, then race and then I found myself crying…..over an "imagined senario" – definitely should not be! Thank you for giving actual keys to help me gain victory with this mental battle with satan.
Hey Jen,
I'm praying for you to be encouraged today! And, I'm asking God to provide every single thing you and your family need!
Thanks for being such an incredible blessing to my life…
Hey Jennifer,
Thank you for the thoughts/encouragement for today. God keeps bringing me to the faith not sight things in my life. I ran across this acrostic for HOPE the other day: Having Only Positve Expectations. Romans 5:5 tells us that hope does not disappoint. As you wait upon the Lord to lead you to your next place of ministry, remember He has already poured out blessings upon blessings to you and your family and the plans He has are bigger and better and brighter than anything we could ever plan. Have a HOPE filled day my friend!
I am currently working through the Esther Bible study too and today I am going to be watching week 3 so I can't wait to delve into this more after what you have shared. I too, struggle with faith versus sight and hope versus fear. God is helping me to be more aware of when I am allowing myself to believe the enemy and to stand firm in what I know to be true. It's not easy and as much as I want to be a woman that always chooses faith, I often don't. Being consistently in His word and fellowship with Him is the only way I can make it through when I am faced with struggles and circumstances that I have no control over. I am just so thankful that He doesn't give up on me because it's a lesson that I am continually learning!