Do you ever wonder what God really wants you to be like? Just as we, as parents who love our children more than life itself, have a reason for desiring that our children act and react in a way that is right, our Heavenly Father, who loves us more than we can imagine, wants us to be and act/react a certain way. Why? It’s not so that we can have a list of unattainable traits to please the taskmaster in the sky! It is so that we will enjoy to the fullest everything God has planned for us – in this life and in eternity.
In our Master Life 3 Bible study, there was a wonderful list of scripture for us one day. The heading said, “If you are not clear about the kind of person God wants you to be, read the following passages of Scripture.” Then 13 passages of Scripture were offered. It was such an incredible list, and the Scriptures were so life-giving, that I couldn’t resist sharing them with you. I’ve linked them to Bible Gateway, so that you can just click on the Scripture reference, and it will take you straight to the verses in several different translations.
The possibilities for what you can do with this list is almost endless. I had the best time with the Lord in going through these verses. It makes me excited for what is really ours in Christ Jesus! In the coming days, I’ll be taking each passage and really meditating on it – reading it and asking God to speak to me through it, then praying it for myself, my husband, children, and their future spouses. I’m also going to break these verses down and give them to my children to use in their quiet times this summer. (Which for us, summer officially starts one week from today! – If you live close enough to me, I’m sure you can hear me shouting God’s praises! HALLELUJAH – through God’s help, we made it successfully through this transitonal year!!!)
These would be great Scriptures to focus on this summer, letting God take us and mold us into what He knows is best for us – so that we can have the most joy and happiness in Him while living on this earth, where things seem to be constantly dragging us down. {How’s that for a long, but true sentence? ;-)}
Being as these verses charge may seem extensive to attain, but Philippians 2:13 says that He works in us, giving us His power, to do what pleases Him. “With man, it is impossible. But not with God. With God, all things are possible.” Mark 10:27
Hope you enjoy these passages and the hope they give us for a life that pleases our Lord and Savior. Because when we are pleasing Him, we are the ones being blessed by His great peace and joy.
(PS: I had a wonderful extended weekend in KY. Thanks so much for praying for me. I’ll be back soon with some fun pictures and a little recap.)
🙂 Jennifer
The kind of person God wants us to be ~ for our Best-Ever-Life
Psalm 139:13-16
I printed these Scriptures and keep them in my calendar book. I am revived and encouraged every time I read them – especially as I pray them for my self and my loved ones.
What a fun list!! I'll have to visit them prayerfully! Thank you for sharing!! xoxo
I love the Word and will spend some time studying these verses. Thanks for sharing!