Hi friends~ I have just a second to pop on here before a full weekend ahead. But I couldn’t let this moment pass without journaling it here and asking for some prayers from my blogging family. Today is a little “nostalgic” for me in a way. As we have walked the past almost 10 months “urged on by faith”, the Lord has gone before our every step. And this weekend, He is doing it again as take yet again put one foot of faith in front of the other.
I wanted to tell you what we are doing, and ask that you pray for us when the Lord brings us to your minds or attention (like when you “smell coffee”). 🙂 We will be visiting with a precious body of believers that we feel the Lord has already joined to our hearts. This Sunday, the church will vote whether or not to call James as their Minister of Education. We are so excited and thankful, and look forward to the Lord revealing His plan for our family and our future.
As I was having my quiet time this morning, I couldn’t help but think back on this (seemingly long) journey. A wise friend told us at the beginning of walking this path of unemployment and utter dependance upon God that we would look back on this time and call it “Special” in our lives. Well… this morning I did just that.
It’s been hard, but special and wonderful at the same time. God has brought James and me daily encouragement through His Word and through others – including you! We have learned to accept and be grateful that God’s plans are completly perfect, and can not be manipulated. God has proven His faithfulness to us time and time again. Our children have seen Him take care of us in a way that we never “hoped” they would have to know – but are now so glad that they do…
I could go on and on… My heart is so full…. and so are my eyes (with tears). God has been so good to us. He is so good to us. And He will be so good to us. And He is the same to you!
We are walking into this weekend “urged on by faith” and with deep gratitude in all God has done to bring us to this pivotal point in our lives. He has LOTS of details to work out (like the SALE OF THIS HOUSE!). He has not asked us to work these things out on our own – but to do the two things He instructed us at the beginning of this journey:
Obey God for today
and trust God for tomorrow.
So that’s what we plan to keep doing.
We sure would appreciate your prayers… and I can’t wait to share the rest of the story with you. (Actually, I can’t wait to KNOW the rest of the story, so I can share it with you!)
Very much love to each of you!!! Thank you for being my friends and fellow walkers on this journey “urged on by faith.”
“O Lord of hosts, blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) is the man who trusts in You [leaning and believing on You, committing all and confidently looking to You, and that without fear or misgiving]!” Psalm 84:12 (Amp)
I will certainly be praying sister…you must be SO special to God…that He would keep you continually at the foot of His throne. God keeps us guessing…to teach us how to do more "trusting." And He is FULL of surprises! 🙂
With joy,
You can count on my continuing prayers, Jennifer! So anxious to hear the rest of the story of God's faithfulness in the lives of you and your family.
Praying this weekend! Can't wait to hear the news. Press on!
I will be praying and look forward to hearing the rest of the story!
I will be praying for you & your family. God is good!
Praying for you and your family to be covered in God's will!
Praying that God's will be done this weekend and that a decision will be reached. Love & blessings from NC!
Oh Jennifer I am soo excited for you and will lift you in prayer for sure, I already have but I will again whenever I smell that coffee. = ) I am looking forward to hearing the rest of the details about this journey that you are on with Him. HUGS AND BLESSINGS, Debbie
Jennifer, I have only recently started to follow your blog but I am so encouraged by your story (I went back to previous posts). It is not an easy thing to trust the Lord when circumstances have so many questions. I have walked that path myself under different circumstances and I am blessed by your response to just obey and trust! I will pray for you this weekend (especially when I smell coffee:o)!) knowing you are trusting the Lord for the outcome. May He richly bless you as a family this weekend.
My heart is over flowing with with joy and thanksgiving as I continue to watch you walk one foot in front of the other to your next.
God has an AMAZING plan for you and your precious family and I truly count it pure joy to be able to join in on this journey through MUCH prayer.
As my family and I continue on in our journey as we patiently 'wait' for God to reveal his NEXT in our lives….I'm so BLESSED to watch you…your FAITH…your GRACE…and your STRENGTH…as you've walked this journey with the Lord.
On my knee's on your behalf!
I promise to keep you in prayer this weekend (ESPECIALLY when I smell the coffee!) I LOVE LOVE these stories of God's faithfulness, direction and lessons learned along the journey..I'm so glad you have been willing to share your story. I will look forward to hearing more about it next week. Praying that Sunday is a beautiful day for all of you.
God bless, Jennifer
Jennifer, Oh how I pray for God's Will over this weekend and in your lives. I so hope this is the answer. I pray you have safety in your travels. I pray you receive your answer and are able to enjoy sweet time as a family and with new friends. May the Lord cover you in His comort and open the eyes to the church for His Will over this. Love to you Jen!