… Or… How to have a Quiet Time in a full and busy household…
Only 8 days until Christmas day! Yeah!!! It’s exciting – and busy! From this point out, every one of us probably have lists longer than the hours in our days. I do love this time of year! However, like many of you, for the next week and a half we’ll be up late, off of our normal schedules, and not in our own home during the Christmas holidays. Being busy,tired, out of a routine, and away from home is one sure recipe for missing a Quiet Time with the Lord as each day begins. We’re so busy with the “season” that we tend to neglect personal time with the “Reason”.
I know… it IS hard – especially when family is visiting, and people are everywhere. But it can be done. I put this theory to the test over Thanksgiving break while visiting away from home, and with the Lord’s help, I got to meet with Him at the start of every day. He helped me keep my focus on Him, and helped me operate from His filling, rather than my own “selfish” nature.
As I think back on doing this over Thanksgiving, I can’t help but chuckle and hear the background music to “Mission Impossible.” To carve out early morning time with the Lord – especially while sleeping in a room with the rest of your immediate family – may seem like an impossible mission. To do this, you have to be “stealth” – and intentional.
Stealth is defined as “moving carefully and quietly, so as to avoid being seen”. This is the goal – Having a careful and quiet time with the Lord before anyone else in the room or house sees us!
Here are some tips on making this Stealth Quiet Time work for you.
1. Imagine yourself on a secret mission to meet with Jesus before anyone else awakes, and plan for it the night before. I prepared the things for my QT (Bible, pen, & paper) before I went to bed, and placed them, along with a flashlight, under the side of the bed I was sleeping in. Then I prayed for the Lord to awake me before anyone else was awake – and to keep everyone asleep while we met together.
2. When the Lord awakes you – don’t go back to sleep! Thank Him and tell Him “Good morning”. Then ever so gently roll out of bed onto the floor – where your Bible, QT things, and flash light await you. (Be careful not to make a “thud” sound. grin.)
3. You’re already on the floor, so why not spend some time on your face pouring out your heart to the Lord? Psalm 5:3 says, “In the morning You hear my voice, O Lord; In the morning I prepare a prayer, a sacrifice, for you, and wait for you to speak to my heart.” (Amp)
While on your face, give Him all of you. Give Him all that is happening for the day ahead. Give Him all of the concerns you have. Give Him your complete surrender to His plans for your day. Give Him praise – tell Him how much you love Him, and bless one of His Names that He has shown Himself to be to you. Give Him your sins, and let His forgiveness wash over you and cleanse you. Give Him your thanks – for Who He is and for what He has done for you. Then ask Him to fill you with Himself and His Word so that you will be “Spirit filled and Spirit Spilled” during the day.
4. Here’s where the flashlight comes in: Next, get into His Word. Whether it’s a Scripture passage you’re working on memorizing, or reading through, or a Psalm you’re studying, or the chapter in Proverbs that corresponds with the day – Whatever it is – get into the “raw” Word of God. You’ll probably not have time to do a full Bible Study while hiding under or beside the bed. So, plan now for what you’ll read in your “Stealth-Quiet-Time” and keep a piece of notebook paper in your Bible marking that passage so you’re ready to read, and to respond to what God says.
Read His Word for a few minutes – until He blesses you with a thought about it – either a praise, a “wow!”, a nudge, or a conviction. Then pray back your response to what He spoke to you about. On the paper, write the date and a brief summary so that you’ll be able to recall what He said to you for the day.
5. Take what He said to you, and pray it into the lives of your loved ones. You may not have time to go through your entire prayer list of specific requests – but you can never go wrong when praying God’s Word over anyone! Ask the Lord to bring to your mind and heart those who need your prayers for the day. When He reminds you of someone, pray for them right away. Keep doing this all day as He brings people to mind.
6. If you have time, turn to Colossians 3:12-17 and let those truths sink in your mind and heart as a good reminder on how to deal with people and situations that will arise. Then, either sneak back in bed, or go start the coffee pot. 🙂
There you have it – That’s all there is to it: A Stealth Quiet Time. It’s short and sweet, and will bless you and all who come in contact with you during the busiest time of the year.
“For with God nothing is ever impossible and no word from God shall be without power or impossible of fulfillment. Then Mary said, Behold, I am the handmaiden of the Lord; let it be done to me according to what you have said…” Luke 1:37-38
Blessings to you, my “Stealth Quiet Time” sisters! I’d love to hear about what you’re planning to do for your Quiet Times during the holidays. 🙂